Ghislaine’s Jury Falls for the Coverup

The purpose of Ghislaine’s show trial was to redirect attention from the Israeli blackmail operation Epstein and Ghislaine were running by defining, incorrectly, the case as one of underage sex trafficking.

Epstein’s murder in his prison cell before he could spill the beans was covered up, and now the politicians and celebrities who willingly but stupidly participated in sex with underage women have receded into the background with the show trial of Ghislaine Maxwell.

Ghislaine is a wealthy British socialite whose father, Robert Maxwell, was a powerful media baron. She did not need to be involved in sordid under age sex solicitation for Epstein. This basic fact makes me doubt the direction that the authorities have taken the case.

The Maxwells are Jews as was Epstein. All the money Epstein had remains unexplained. No prosecutor and no presstitutes have expressed any interest in the possibility that Epstein and Ghislaine were running a blackmail operation for Israel. It is difficult to believe that Epstein’s girlfriend, Ghislaine, was happy finding 16 and 17 year old girls for her own lover, or that he would prefer inexperienced girls to beautiful and exotic New York call girls or to Ghislaine. More likely they were partners in a blackmail operation, and certainly during the years they were operating everything went in Israel’s favor. What otherwise was the point of so many flights on Epstein’s plane of Bill Clinton and others to the locations where the underage sexual activity took place? Did they go there just to watch Epstein participate in forbidden sex?

Epstein’s murder and Ghislaine’s show trial serve to put an end to the story. The Israeli blackmail operation will remain untouched and undisclosed.

As Netanyahu will tell you, this should tell you who has power over America.

One thought on “Ghislaine’s Jury Falls for the Coverup

  • Christine Hallett

    Good points made in the article but the public realise there is a great deal more going on than an underage sex ring , bad indeed as that is. We know that the Maxwell’s are/.were Mossad agents. So whilst the trial may be a ” show” one as you say, we know what lies beneath. Do not worry!


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