Riots in Jordan- MES EP.190

The specter of protests and strikes has loomed over the scene in Jordan over the past week.
The level of government fears has risen as to whether the truck drivers’ strikes will constitute widespread national protests against the monumental rise in fuel prices.
It might become a precursor to popular uprisings leading to civil disobedience. As the Jordanian parliament rushed to control the strike, it remains to be seen if they succeeded in absorbing the public anger, or whether the risk of escalation continues.
To discuss this issue with us from Amman is Dr. Hasan AlMomani, professor of international relations and conflict resolution at the university of Jordan.
It seems that the situation in Yemen is heading towards a renewed military escalation, whose chances increased as the Qatar World Cup came to an end, which, among other factors, contributed to preventing the collapse of the calm, based on undisclosed understandings between the parties to the conflict. Among what indicates this trend is the affirmation of the supreme political council in Sanaa
During its last meeting, that the state of “no war and no peace” that Yemen has been experiencing since the end of the armistice last October, and the lack of agreement on its extension, will not last long.
To discuss this issue with us from Beirut is Mohamad Obeid political commentator.
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