The Amputated Limbs Of Children

Listen to a reading by Tim Foley:
“I want my legs back,” the girl cried in Arabic.
“I want my legs back.”
You can’t have your legs back, little girl.
They have been eaten by a hungry machine
who needs them for fuel to power its gears.
The machine needs your legs to keep the sky raining bombs
and to make its death robots fly.
Your legs power the bulldozers digging mass graves
and the tanks blowing holes in the hospitals.
A glorious kingdom is held together
by the amputated limbs of children.
A pentagon-shaped castle is built from the bones
of the amputated limbs of children.
Wall Street werewolves and bank boys dine
on the amputated limbs of children.
Movie stars treat their wrinkles with creams
made from the amputated limbs of children.
Suburban families prop up their smiles
with the amputated limbs of children.
The news man lies and in his eyes
you see the amputated limbs of children.
The podium man smirks and between his teeth
are the amputated limbs of children.
And the little girl cries,
and the news man ignores her,
and the podium man smirks at her,
and the bank boy bites her,
and the machine rolls on,
limbs fed into its furnace with pitchforks,
crushing houses and blackening the sky,
poisoning the oceans and bloodying the earth,
while the air fills with the crying of children,
for limbs that will never come back,
for homes that will never come back,
for mothers that will never come back,
for childhoods that will never come back,
for brightness that will never come back,
for innocence that will never come back,
for dreams that will never come back,
for joy that will never come back.
And we are here,
eating cheesy meatcarbs and watching funny haw-haws
and gossiping and prattling and wishing we looked better
and trying not to think about all the tiny arms and legs
we see covering the earth
whenever we step outside.
Kristin Glover
Brilliant writing about this unthinkable unimaginable criminal genocidal tragedy that most of us feel utterly powerless to do anything about. Angry texts or letters to our congressional leaders fall on deaf ears.
Not about helping democracies. What incredible BS!!!
Strange – the anti-war demonstrations against the Vietnam war actually seemed to make a difference – maybe even helped to bring it to an end?
But I recall when the US was gearing up to invade Iraq in 2003, there were WORLDWIDE demonstrations. Millions turned out to say NO to more wars!
But it made no difference. None.
There’s the strange fact. That The People seem to have been rendered powerless to affect the actions of their so-called “democratic” governments.
Some say we’ve been lulled into mute acquiescence by the comforts and distractions – The Bread and Circuses – of our modern western world. I’d say that seems to be the case.
And if so, SHAME ON ALL OF US!!!