The Western media claims Russia is being “defeated” despite Russian operations carrying on as stated from the beginning on February 24, 2022. Meanwhile, Ukrainian forces are carrying out widespread war crimes – so much so that even the New York Times and Washington Post have been forced to admit as much.
Bloomberg – Transcript: Vladimir Putin’s Televised Address on Ukraine:
Washington Post – Russia has killed civilians in Ukraine. Kyiv’s defense tactics add to the danger:
New York Times – A video shows Russian prisoners of war in Ukraine being beaten and shot in their legs:
Amnesty International – Ukraine must stop ongoing abuses and war crimes by pro-Ukrainian volunteer forces (2014):
Human Rights Watch – Human Rights Watch Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (2016):

Brian Berletic
Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic, is an ex- US Marine Corps independent geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, writing under the pen name “ Tony Cartalucci ” along with several others.
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