US claims of not wanting Israel to strike Iranian nuclear sites is verbatim ot the strategy of maintaining deniability while attacking Iran
- Brian Berletic
- Thursday 3 Oct 24
- 231
- 0

US claims of not wanting Israel to strike Iranian nuclear sites is verbatim the 2009 Brookings “Which Path to Persia?” strategy of maintaining plausible deniability while attacking Iran.
The paper stated:
“As in the case of American airstrikes against Iran, the goal of this policy option would be to destroykey Iranian nuclear facilities in the hope that doing so would significantly delay Iran’s acquisition of an indigenous nuclear weapons capability.
However, in this case, an added element could be that the United States would encourage and perhaps even assist the Israelis in conducting the strikes themselves, in the expectation thatboth international criticism and Iranian retaliation would be deflected away from the United States and onto Israel.”

Brian Berletic
Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic, is an ex- US Marine Corps independent geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, writing under the pen name “ Tony Cartalucci ” along with several others.
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