Trump Repeats 2018 Troop Border Stunt – Supporters Buy it Again.

Trump directs multi-million dollar photo op designed to convince Americans “security” is being established at the border.
This is only 500 Marines whose sole purpose is to conduct a public relations stunt using Osprey aircraft that buses and trucks easily and more economically – but less dramatically – could have performed if more personnel were actually required.
What exactly will 500 Marines sitting out in the open with combat load outs do to secure a 2,000 mile long border?
No one thought about that, just saw US troops and thought, “promise made, promise kept!”
Back in reality, Trump ran on border security before his FIRST term in office and in 2018 deployed 5,200 troops to the border which categorically failed to solve illegal immigration.
As Americans are duped by tax-dollar-burning PR stunts (again), Trump will continue where Biden left off sanctioning and undermining Latin American nations, maintaining the pressure on and flow of people out of their destabilized homes to America where special interests Trump and Biden serve exploit for cheap labor and as a wedge issue to divide and distract Americans.
And for those trying to argue Trump’s first troop deployment in 2018 “worked,” no it didn’t.
Illegal immigration increased.
If you zoom out you realize it goes up and down no matter who is in office and no matter what they pretend to do.
It’s driven by US foreign policy abroad as it deliberately burns the world down and leaves people nowhere else to go. That is the problem.
That is what needs to be fixed. Troops on the border is a stunt to distract you away from this reality.
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