Trump Appoints Thomas Homan Border Czar

Homan implemented the practice of separating immigrants from their children as a means of discouraging immigration.
It must be remembered that millions flood into the US from Latin America following generations of US CIA/NED wars, coups, death squads and narcoterrorism that continues to this day.
No one is serious about fixing immigration if they refuse to even mention let alone solve the core of the crisis – Washington and Wall Street’s strip-mining and destruction of Latin America.
Punishing families for fleeing US destruction is inhumanity on top of inhumanity and the Trump administration is picking up right where Biden left off.
“Brian, do you want illegal immigrants over-running the US?
No. I want the US to stop destroying nations around the world forcing people to flee to the West in the first place.
Stop the meddling, sanctions and wars and people can build lives in their own nation and no longer need to flee abroad.
And until then, the West has no right to detain and punish these people for simply fleeing the destruction the West itself is *still* causing.
People fleeing US chaos are one group of victims. The average American is another.
The Republican/Democrat uniparty has created a brilliant policy of pitting the 2 against each other so neither let alone both ever focus their anger on the actual people responsible for this crisis.
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