Space-Based Warfare: America’s Dominance Challenged

– Space-based military capabilities allow for precision-guided weapons, navigation, and communication on the battlefield below;

– Russia has developed significant countermeasures for many of the space-based military capabilities the US has used to dominate the planet militarily for much of the 20th century;

– China is closing the gap in terms of space-based capabilities, matching the US in some areas, exceeding it in others;

– The US maintains advantages solely because of SpaceX and its pursuit of reusable launch systems;

– China is already testing prototypes for its own reusable launch systems;

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Space-Based Warfare: America’s Dominance Challenged


Forbes – Russia’s Losing In Long-Predicted Space War 1 To The West (June 26, 2024):…

Military Satellites Business Insider – China is providing satellite intelligence for military purposes to Russia, US warns, says report (April 7, 2024):…

Newsweek – China’s Military Satellites Are Watching America’s Every Move (May 8, 2024):…

Economist – China’s satellites are improving rapidly. The PLA will benefit (March 7, 2024):…

Defense One – Chinese satellites are breaking the US ‘monopoly’ on long-range targeting (May 2024):…

Space-Based Weapons CNN – US assesses Russia likely launched a counter space weapon last week (May 21, 2024):…

Economist – A Russian anti-satellite missile test puts the ISS in peril (November 2021):…

BBC – X-37B: Secrets of the US military spaceplane (November 2014):…

Jamming Space-Based Capabilities

Washington Post – Russian jamming leaves some high-tech U.S. weapons ineffective in Ukraine (May 24, 2024):…

New York Times – Russia, in New Push, Increasingly Disrupts Ukraine’s Starlink Service (May 24, 2024):…

CNN – Russia’s jamming of US-provided rocket systems complicates Ukraine’s war effort (May 2023):…

China’s Reusable Rockets

Video From Space – Blastoff! Chinese reusable rocket soars 7 miles high and lands in test (June 24, 2024):
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Space News – China to debut large reusable rockets in 2025 and 2026 (March 2024):…

SAST – China Successfully Completes Its First 10 km-level Vertical Takeoff and Landing Flight Test of Reusable Launch Vehicle (June 26, 2024):

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