Everyday in Everyway: US Gov’s Racist Propaganda War Against China
- Brian Berletic
- Wednesday 26 Jan 22
- 1064
- 0

Racism and xenophobia against China is being promoted across the West at the highest levels of government where the public is being encouraged to indulge in hatred against China and its people.
A recent exchange in the US Congress helps illustrate how American politics serves as a vehicle to fan hatred and prepare Western society for war with China.
Newsweek – ‘Made in China’ KN95 Masks Distributed to Congress Leave Conservatives Outraged:
Congressman Bryan Steil – Tweet on mask “instructions:”
Tahir Imin Uyghurian – Tweet on mask “instructions:”

Brian Berletic
Brian Joseph Thomas Berletic, is an ex- US Marine Corps independent geopolitical researcher and writer based in Bangkok, writing under the pen name “ Tony Cartalucci ” along with several others.
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