Cambodia Does Not Owe US Explanation Over Chinese Ties

– The US is complaining about an alleged Chinese naval presence at a Cambodian naval base in Cambodian territory;

– There is no justification for US interference in Cambodia’s internal political affairs, its foreign policy with other nations in the region, or its military cooperation with other nations;

– While the US complains about an alleged Chinese naval presence in Cambodia, the US maintains hundreds of military bases around the globe including in countries the US is illegally occupying;

– The US and NATO demand other nations respect the decision of those joining the alliance despite it often following coercive and violent regime change, but refuse to respect a nation’s decision to work more closely with China or Russia instead;

– US hypocrisy stems not from any genuine belief that China poses as threat to peace or stability either in Asia or beyond, but from the fact that China’s rise and growing ties with other nations pose an obstacle to US interference and impunity;


AP – Chinese warships have been docked in Cambodia for 5 months, but government says it’s not permanent (May 8, 2024):…

CSIS – How Much Trade Transits the South China Sea?:…

US State Department, Office of the Historian – Course of Action in Vietnam (1965):…

NATO – Setting the record straight, De-bunking Russian disinformation on NATO (January 2024):…

The Guardian – US campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev (November 2004):…

CSIS – U.S. and Allied/Partner Government (donors):…

CSIS – Corporations (donors):…

Khmer Times – Cambodia’s trade declines 1.9% to $46.82 billion in 2023 (January 2024):…

NEO – Cambodia Jails US Agents as US-China Tensions Rise (2023):…

Phnom Penh Post – Sokha video producer closes Phnom Penh office in fear (2017):…

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