Can Venezuela’s Revolution Survive After Years of US Regime Change Efforts?
- Alan MacLeod
- Tuesday 29 Jun 21
- 1060
- 0

On this online exclusive interview of Going Underground, Social Media Producer Farhaan Ahmed speaks to Alan Macleod, senior staff writer at Mint Press News and author of ‘Bad News From Venezuela: 20 Years of Fake News and Misreporting’.
He discusses Western media bias against the Bolivarian Revolution from the start of Hugo Chavez’ Presidency and the roots of the bias, Venezuela’s dispute with COVAX as US sanctions cause Venezuelan transactions for vaccines to be blocked, the state of Venezuela’s public sector and social programs as the US oil embargo and crippling sanctions causes government revenue to continue shrinking, the state of the Venezuelan opposition as Juan Guaido has arguably lost all momentum, whether President Nicolas Maduro is incorporating neoliberalism in trying to fuel economic recovery, whether a second Pink Tide of left-wing governments sweeping Latin America can aid Venezuela’s recovery and much more!

Alan MacLeod
Alan MacLeod is a staff writer at Mint Press News and a contributor to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, The Canary, The Guardian and others. His latest book is “Propaganda in the Information Age: Still Manufacturing Consent”. A member of the Glasgow University Media Group, he completed his PhD there in 2017.
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