The massacres in Gaza will continue as long as no one stops Netanyahu

Why do we hope that the response of the resistance axis to avenge the martyrs Haniyeh and Shukr will not take long?

Although the murder that occurred during the Fajr prayer in Gaza cost the lives of over 120 martyrs, it ought to be the final one. Unfortunately, and we say this with bitter tongues, as long as the Arabs, are satisfied with condemnation and the world community is satisfied with voicing its outrage, there will undoubtedly be similar murders in the near future, probably even more bloody ones. Benjamin Netanyahu, on the other hand, grins and shakes his head in relief that no one is going to hold him accountable or treat him the manner he feels worthy of.

Netanyahu’s plan is very obvious and consists of pushing the extermination war forward more quickly while enforcing his will on the Strip’s populace. All of the land beneath and above it is ours, including the oil, gas, gorgeous beaches, and advantageous location. Your only options are to starve to death, be attacked by missiles, or leave the country. The majority of the Arabs are with us, and you have God; we are the people of the land, and you are strangers.

Unfortunately, unqualified analysts have emerged to tell us that Netanyahu orchestrated this massacre as a preemptive strike to derail the next round of US-sponsored truce negotiations, which will take place in Cairo or Doha in five days. This is even though the previous twenty rounds of negotiations, which took place over the course of the last ten months, had garnered Netanyahu’s respect and produced positive outcomes.

Yes, Netanyahu wants to continue the war and will never accept it ending, except in one scenario in which he will be forced to do so by using hundreds of suicide drones and precision missiles to bomb Tel Aviv, Haifa, Acre, Nahariya, Safed, and Dimona. As long as this does not happen, and he finds no one to stop him, the massacres will continue, albeit with different names, and the resistance and its battalions will continue to win and history will not return. Netanyahu kills the martyrs Sayyed Fouad Shukr in the middle of a southern suburb and Ismail Haniyeh in the centre of Tehran, Sayyed Fouad Shukr, the martyr, burns the port of Hodeidah in the middle of a southern suburb, and we are still waiting for a response, which we hope won’t take long. In the meantime, his popularity grows and the protests calling for his resignation end. The majority of settlers, according to opinion polls, think he’s the best leader to lead the occupying state because he knows how to deal with Arabs and Muslims in a language they can understand and knows how to deal with them, which means more murder and insults. They call self-control, the historical philosophy of surrender, historical, and they accuse us, the people of the Gaza Strip and those like us, of being crazy, reckless, and ignorant of it .insane, as well as oblivious to the historical idea of surrender, which is known as strategic patience, self-control, and acting at the right moment and location—that is, after at least a century and maybe more. People tend to forget that the “madness” that followed the path of our early Muslim ancestors’ conquests, as evidenced by the “Al-Aqsa Flood,” forced most international airlines to cancel flights to Lod Airport (Ben Gurion), forced Netanyahu to hold his cabinet meeting in a hole beneath the earth, and caused over a million settlers to flee occupied Palestine in search of safety in the West, with half of them living in hotels or tents. More importantly, though, this madness Above all, destroying the myth and the image of the invincible army, pulling off the masks covering the bloody, ugly Zionist face, revealing to the world its aggressive, anti-Semitic reality, and bringing back to life the myth of Shylock from Shakespeare and demonstrating its veracity on the stage of the Gaza Strip and its camps.

By rewarding Netanyahu with nearly four billion dollars, the United States, the leader of the free world, encourages him to carry on the war of extermination and assassinations, expand the massacres, and increase the number of victims as much as possible—particularly the proportion of children among them. Its leaders also send envoys to Yemen, Iran, and Lebanon, urging their leaders to give up the culture of retaliation and revenge and to maintain the highest level of composure and self-control. As the strongest response to this “farce” that has been going on for ten months under the American flag, we hope that the resistance battalions, led by the most well-known “madman” in Gaza, Mujahid Yahya Sinwar, will announce that they will not deal with the trap of American-Western lies and that they will sever all ties with their complicit Arab mediators. This will help to hide the direct American partnership in shedding the blood of the people of the Strip and starve them to death.

Lastly, we advise those who are concerned about the war’s spread and the threats posed by the United States’ deploying aircraft carriers to retreat a little, notably to Afghanistan, Finally, we advise anyone who fears the war’s spread and the American threats it poses in the form of moving aircraft carriers to take a closer look at Afghanistan, which humiliated America and forced it to flee through Kabul airport, or proud Somalia, where the mujahideen forced the American forces stationed there to withdraw after downing one of their planes. Remembering Iraq and its “Fallujah” and resistance fighters, who made the American occupation’s losses the most in history ($6 trillion), and who drove out 130,000 troops, should not be forgotten. God willing, let us not forget about Vietnam, Cuba, and soon, Syria. Applying the horrifying formula developed by Netanyahu and his Generals stating that “Nabatiyeh” for Tel Aviv, and Haifa for Hodeidah, along with the possibility of “Israeli” cities becoming a second Gaza instead of Beirut, make the largest victory celebrations and this entity’s uprooting a genuine and impending concern. In the best of times, Israel will not be older than 80 years, whereas Gaza is over 8,000 years old. As a result, the former will triumph, the latter will be vanquished, and it will add its name to the list of numerous invaders. Whatever you want to say about us, time will tell.

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