Scuppering the ‘two-state solution’

End of a 30-year-old hoax

The declaration issued by a massive majority by the Israeli Knesset on Thursday rejecting the establishment of a Palestinian state is, in its wording and timing, a valuable gift to the Palestinian people. It puts the Palestinian cause back onto its proper track after 30 years of aimless meandering and disorientation, abandonment of basic national principles, and drowning in whirlpools of Arab, Western, and client-Arab deceit and duplicity.

Backed by 68 Knesset members and opposed by only nine, the declaration sounded an alarm bell: not for the Palestinian people and the Arab and Islamic worlds, but for an international community asleep in the arms of Israeli and Western mendacity that used ‘the two-state solution’ as a sedative while facilitating and supporting the Zionist colonial project.

The PLO was lured into this trap, drugged and open-eyed, when it recognised the booby-trapped UN Security Council Resolution 242 and surrendered 80% of the historic holy land of Palestine. It compounded this blunder with the even worse disgrace of singing the Oslo Accords in exchange for being given a client ‘Palestinian Authority’ whose existence and survival depends on it encouraging Arab and international normalisation, recognising the racist occupier state, facilitating and accelerating its settlement programme, and providing it with protection under the guise of ‘security cooperation’ — one of the most egregious acts of treason and abandonment of rights in history.

With the issuing of the Knesset declaration, the PA loses any remaining rationale for its existence and pretence to represent the Palestinian people and speak for them in Arab and international forums. The same can be said for the Arab states that used the two-state solution as a pretext for normalisation, recognising the occupation and its land-thefts and wars of extermination, and relinquishing their moral and human role in liberating the land and holy places.

I wish the Arab members of the Knesset had voted in favour of the declaration so as to revert to the solution of one independent Palestinian state in all of historic Palestine from the river to the sea and the dismantling of the racist Zionist state.

The timing of the declaration, which affirms the racist nature of that state at a time when its forces are engaged in a war of extermination and ethnic cleansing in the Gaza Strip, is appropriate in historical terms. It exposes Israel’s true face and upholds the justification for the October 7, 2023, al-Aqsa Flood attack, uniting all if not most sections of the Palestinian people behind it as perhaps the most important ‘corrective’ measure taken in their history.

There has been a striking silence from Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, the chief advocate of the two-state-solution and relinquishing the right to return and diehard champion and co-author of the Oslo Accords who is proud to criminalise and demonise armed resistance. He has yet to utter a word of condemnation or protest about this blatantly racist Israeli decision. Why this silence from the man who declared from the US podium that he would dissolve the PA and hand the keys to Netanyahu if Israel continues its colonisation and violations of international law and a Palestinian state is not established?

This Knesset decision removes the raison d’etre of the PA and the Oslo Accords in whose ‘legal’ shadow it shelters. It has chosen to look the other way, and claims the declaration is worthless because 149 UN member states already recognise the illusory state of Palestine. That is pure evasion, to avoid having to react or take any stand and continue submitting to the occupation.

The ball is now in the court of the Fateh movement, which takes pride in having fired the first shot of resistance to the occupier state. Some of its leaders exploited that proud record of struggle to drag the Palestinian people into the Oslo trap. The question now is how will Fateh respond to this declaration? Will it atone for the sins of its deviant leaders by reverting to armed struggle and rebelling against them?

The late Yaser Arafat tried to atone for his own sins and transgressions (Oslo) by igniting the second intifada after concluding that his bet on an independent Palestinian state was misplaced. That became clear to him after he attended the Camp David talks in 2000 hosted by Bill Clinton. He chose instead to die a martyr’s death.

I very much doubt Abbas and some of the current props of his leadership who have seized control of Palestinian decision-making will take the same course and bring down the Oslo temple over everyone’s heads.

I would have hoped that the scuppering of the two-state solution would have come at the hands of the PA, as part of a surprise awakening after the failure of its wagers on the US broker and the Western world’s fraudulent promises. But it fell to Israel’s Knesset to perform that task, expose this entity and its backers, and put an end to one of the biggest hoaxes of all time.

Resistance in all its forms has become the only option for the Palestinian people, to achieve full independence in all of Palestine in one state from the river to the sea, and to slam the door in the face of the treason-mongers and hawkers les and illusions in the US and the region.

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