Did Hezbollah’s attack undermine Israel’s assassination approach?

What are the most recent communications sent towards the negotiation delegation in Doha and Cairo?

“Hezbollah’s” response of missiles and drones early yesterday morning in Israeli territory, specifically in the central area of Tel Aviv, is significant because it means that Israeli operations to kill leaders of resistance groups in Lebanon, Palestine, and Yemen will now be met with a prompt and effective response. Furthermore, these operations have come to incur substantial costs.

Suppose the primary objective of Israeli assassination operations is to reinstate “deterrence” and uphold the reputation of the intelligence services, which have been plagued by multiple shortcomings, such as the important failure symbolised by the “Al-Aqsa Flood” attack by the Al-Qassam Brigades on October 7th, or the achievements of the marches. In that case, the arrival of the Lebanese Hezbollah affiliated group at Galilout, the Israeli military intelligence headquarters in the centre of Tel Aviv, indicates that the objective of restoring Israeli deterrence has become implausible. Regarding the endeavour to reinstate The Israeli military and civilian intelligence have experienced a significant decline in prestige. This decline is particularly concerning as it is nearing its highest point following the Lebanese march attack on its headquarters, marking the first instance of such an attack in the history of this organisation. The resulting human and moral losses are substantial and may not be readily apparent at present or shortly.

The occupying state’s assassination strategy occasionally succeeds, with its missiles or cells successfully reaching their intended targets. This was seen recently in the instances of Ismail Haniyeh, the executive head of the political bureau of the Hamas movement, and Mr. Fouad Shukr, the commander of Hezbollah forces. The outcomes of the “show” are restricted and fail to achieve any of its primary objectives, the paramount of which is to provide reassurance and calmness to Israeli public opinion and boost its deteriorating morale. The resistance of the Arab and Islamic communities.

All of its branches are established and provide readily available alternatives for all the cadres who have been fatally assassinated, irrespective of their skills and experience. The strength of Hamas has increased following the assassination of its founder, Ahmed Yassin. The Al-Qassam Brigades gained prominence in political and military history with the martyrdom of their leader, Ahmed Al-Jaabari. “General” Muhammad Al-Deif assumed leadership of the group after Al-Jaabari’s martyrdom and successfully executed the significant Palestinian and Arab accomplishment of the Al-Aqsa flood.

Efforts by the Israeli entity to cover its growing number of defeats and failures through fabrications and forgeries are no longer effective, as resistance groups are exposing them on the ground through precise counteractions. Two of the most recent fabrications can be succinctly summarised:

• The first allegation is that the Israeli army executed a substantial preemptive operation using one hundred American-manufactured F-15 and F-16 aircraft. This operation effectively disrupted a missile and drone assault by Hezbollah within Israeli territory in the early hours of Sunday, destroying numerous ballistic missiles and their launchers. An indisputable proof of its deception is the successful landing of 320 Katyusha rockets at their designated locations in the occupied Galilee. These rockets successfully engaged the Iron Dome, enabling the commencement of the second phase. This phase included the deployment of numerous drones that operated without any disruption, precisely striking their targets (Galilout base) by the predetermined plan.

• The second allegation is that the American newspaper “The New York Times” claimed that “Israel” used sophisticated American listening devices to capture calls from the fighter Yahya Sinwar inside the tunnels, but proved unable to determine his exact whereabouts.

The controversy surrounding the initial verified falsehoods is currently uncertain, and the deliberate withholding of information by the media to hide the proof of the Israeli troops’ inability to thwart the Hezbollah drone assault is one of the crucial pieces of evidence in this matter. As for the second falsehoods and assertions regarding the surveillance of the actions of the resistance leader Sinwar in the tunnels, they are not novel and belong to the classification of monotonous repetition that no longer misleads or captivates even the most inexperienced individuals, whether within the Jewish or Palestinian communities.

Should the American surveillance equipment have captured Mr. Sinwar’s voice in one of the subterranean passages, how did they prove unable to locate him? Furthermore, who informed them of his subterranean location? Which territory? The American estimates provided by a specialised American cell responsible for monitoring Hamas’s tunnels indicate that their length surpasses 500 km (quoting Sinwar). A budget in the billions of dollars has been designated to finance its operations. For what reason is the fighter Sinwar not positioned above ground or within any of the tunnels in Sinai, Tel Aviv, or beneath the sea, where Israeli authorities have neglected to utilise their waters to inundate these tunnels?


The failure and current negative outcomes of the assassination strategy can be attributed not only to the lag or failure of Israeli intelligence but also to the substantial development of intelligence capabilities by the Arab and Islamic opposition forces in recent years. They eschew dependence on the ineffective, timid, and complicit Arab governments that are under American control, and instead rely on their obsolete technologies and equipment that have exceeded their expiry date.

The preservation of Sinwar, whether in underground or aerial positions, is the most significant setback for the two primary assets of the occupying state: deterrence and intelligence, in addition to the other major setbacks on the battlefields. Through the prayers of hundreds of thousands of widows and the parents and fathers of martyrs, including children, youth, and women, for his long life, this survival is being strengthened, God willing.

Therefore, we assert that if the colossal American bombs, which demolish tunnels at a depth of 50 metres below the surface, together with the highly sophisticated monitoring technology that accompanies them, have not been successful in discovering the mujahid…


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