In Jerusalem, the “Conference for the Victory of Israel” threatens London and Washington

The “Israel Victory Conference – settlements bring security: Returning to the Gaza Strip and Northern Samaria » was no mere meeting of Jewish supremacists. A rabbi, sentenced in to life imprisonment for his crimes, spoke on behalf of the successors of the Stern group that assassinated British leaders in Mandate Palestine. It was a declaration of war against the Anglo-Saxons. By participating in this event, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was threatening Washington and London. President Joe Biden immediately banned all fundraising and money transfers to these extremists. This is the first time that the United States has imposed sanctions against Israelis.
Two weeks ago, a star-studded celebratory event was held at Jerusalem’s International Convention Center. It was entitled “Conference for Israel’s Victory – settlements bring security: returning to the Gaza Strip and northern Samaria”. 12 ministers, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, took part.
However, not a single political figure, not even the Minister of Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, was entitled to the frenzied ovations that greeted Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf, now a central figure in the Israeli debate, albeit unknown abroad. His presence rekindled in the participants hope of redeeming what they consider to be the “sin” of the withdrawal of Jewish settlements from Gaza in 2005.
In the hours that followed, Yaakov Margi (Shas), Minister of Welfare and Social Affairs, declared that his colleagues should have “thought” “before going to this circus.
The leader of the opposition, Yair Lapid, lamented that Benjamin Netanyahu, “who was once at the centre of the national camp being dragged aimlessly by extremists”, has “hit rock bottom.”
Gen. Benny Gantz, declared that the conference was “an insult to Israeli society in wartime. It undermines our legitimacy in the world and the efforts to create a framework for the return of our hostages.” Commenting on the Prime Minister’s participation, he continued: “He who dances and divides, does not decide, and he who is silent and allows himself to be dragged along, is not a leader”.

The next day, President Joe Biden, as if frightened by the return of an old demon, signed a decree banning some extremist settlers from coming to the United States, and, above all, banning all fund-raising and money transfers to Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf’s men. These sanctions apply not only in the United States, but also in all foreign banks with interests in the United States, i.e., ultimately in the whole of the West [1].
What’s more, the Biden Administration, which until now has discreetly supported the massacre in Gaza by supplying shells and other munitions, is suddenly looking for a way out of the crisis. Secretary of State Antony Blinken set off on a new tour of the region’s capitals, this time with proposals.
Why then, did Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf’s outburst provoke such reactions? To understand why, we need to look back to 1922. Within the revisionist Zionist movement, there is in fact an even more fanatical group that did not hesitate to attack the Anglo-Saxons.
The “Revisionist Zionists” are the followers of Vladimir Ze’ev Jabotinsky, a Ukrainian fascist who in 1922 formed an alliance with the Ukrainian “integral nationalists” of Symon Petlioura and Dmitro Dontsov against the Soviets. During this alliance, the “nationalists” massacred not only Ukrainian anarchists and Ukrainian Communists, but also tens of thousands of Ukrainian Jews.
Refusing to explain his actions, Jabotinsky resigned from his position as director of the World Zionist Organization and founded the Alliance of Revisionist Zionists. He founded a paramilitary fascist formation in Italy, with the help of duce Benito Mussolini, the Betar.
At the end of Second World War, the “Revisionist Zionists” pursued their fascist dream, now without the help of their Italian counterparts. They disassociated themselves from the Jewish communal militia in Palestine, the Hagana, and created their own militia, the Irgun [2].
In a letter to the New York Times, Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt and other Jewish personalities compared the Irgun to fascist and Nazi formations [3].
The Irgun itself gave rise to Lehi, known as the “Stern Group” according to the
Stern Gang” [4]). This group was directly linked to the Polish fascist government (Avraham Stern participated in the first version of the “Madagascar Plan”). Stern was arrested by the British along with the leaders of his group at the start of World War 2, but released when the Polish government reconstituted itself in exile in London. Lehi resumed contact with the Italian Fascists and proposed to the Nazis to help them expel European Jews to Palestine. After some hesitation, the Nazis refused. Lehi multiplied attacks on the British and left-wing Jews in the first two years of the war. Avraham Stern was shot and killed by a British CID officer in February 1942. Yitzhak Shamir, who assassinated his rivals, then reorganized Lehi.
In 1944 Lehi resumed its attacks on the British. It narrowly missed eliminating High Commissioner to Palestine, Harold MacMichael, but succeeded in assassinating the Colonial Minister, Lord Moyne.

David Ben Gourion, who remained loyal to the British, launched a Haganah campaign to stop the actions of the Irgun and Lehi. Many of their members were arrested. However, in 1945, Ben-Gurion secretly organized a reconciliation with the revisionist Zionists, the “Hebrew Revolt”. This brief alliance did not last. Lehi organized the attack on the secretariat of the British government of Mandate Palestine and its military command, both located in the King David Hotel. It left 91 dead and 46 wounded. Lehi did not cease its terrorist activities with the arrest of Yitzhak Shamir. On the contrary, it extended its activities to London until the British withdrew from Palestine. After that, it targeted the Arabs, thus perpetrating the Deir Yassin massacre.
The Irgun and Lehi were eventually incorporated into the Israel Defense Forces with the unilateral proclamation of statehood. However, the United Nations sent the Swedish Count Folke Bernadotte to determine the borders of the two Jewish and Arab states. Yitzhak Shamir then organized his assassination [5]. Yehoshua Cohen executed him. At the same time, André Sérot, a French colonel in the Blue Helmets, was assassinated. Pierre Gaïsset (grandfather of the author of this article) replaced him. The “revisionist Zionists” then changed their label and formed a new party, Hérout, with Menachem Begin as its chairman.
In 1952, Yehoshua Cohen founded the Sde Boker kibbutz. When, the following year,
Prime Minister David ben Gurion joined this kibbutz, Yehoshua Cohen became his bodyguard.
There is no trace of the Stern Group thereafter. However, after the “Six-Day War” the Bloc of the Faithful (Gush Emunim) developed the idea that Yahweh had given all Palestine to the Jews. They not only had the right to occupy it, but a duty to do so, so that the continuation of prophecy be fulfilled. This movement developed around Rabbi Zvi Yehouda Kook. He taught that, while the first secular Israelis had begun the work, only the religious knew the direction and could finalize it.
It was in this context that Yehuda Etzion, son of a gang member, recreated the Stern group.
He used the same logo: a fist with two fingers raised. Its new name: the “Jewish Underground”. After the Camp David Accords, signed in 1978 by ex-Muslim Brother Anwar Sadat and Zionist revisionist Menachem Begin, it formally organized itself. It opposed Israel’s retrocession of Sinai to Egypt. It formed two cells. The first, led by Yehuda Etzion himself, was to destroy the Dome of the Rock in the center of the Al-Aqsa mosque, in order to rebuild the Temple of Jerusalem. The second was to spread terror among anti-colonial Arabs.
Rabbi Uzi Sharbaf was the leader of the “Jewish Underground”. He was sentenced to life imprisonment in 1984 for his involvement in a series of murderous attacks on Palestinians. He was discreetly released in 1991 by two revisionist Zionists, President Chaim Herzog and Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir.
His presence and the thunderous welcome given to him by thousands of activists portends the return of Zionist terrorism against the Anglo-Saxons. Washington’s reaction shows that, in its eyes, what it tolerates when Arabs are its victims must be condemned when it is threatened.
[1] Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions on Persons Undermining Peace, Security, and Stability in the West Bank, White House, February 1, 2024.
[2] Irgun: Revisionist Zionism, 1931-1948, Gerry van Tonder, Pen & Sword Military (2019).
[3] «New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed», The New York Times, Décembre 4, 1948.
[4] The Stern Gang. Ideology, Politics and Terror, 1940-1949, Joseph Heller, Routledge (1995).
[5] Bernadotte in Palestine, 1948: A Study in Contemporary Humanitarian Knight, Amitzur Ilan, Macmillan (1989).
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