Resistance is Imperative | A panel discussion on dismantling the “New Normal” nightmare

Featuring guests:
Dr. Piers Robinson – @PiersRobinson1
Max Blumenthal – @MaxBlumenthal
Cory Morningstar – @elleprovocateur
Nick Hudson – @NickHudsonCT
Whitney Webb – @_whitneywebb
Ryan Christian – @YoureAllDunces
Rick Munn – @noreward_norisk
Diane Lesher
Thanks, everyone! This was very enlightening and powerful. This is the first time I’ve seen a group of people discussing solutions to the new world order and I loved your ideas. So how do we roll this out to the world, and how coordinated does it have to be? Every country does things differently and that may be a challenge to moving everyone in the correct direction. I know there are amazing people out there who know how to get this going and we must tap into them ASAP because we have so little time, especially since more people are being injured and killed by the shots, especially our beautiful children. I live in Chile and they’re already jabbing 5 yr olds. They say 3-5 yr olds are next year. This has got to stop!! I hope you do another one soon.