SDPCW#1 – Overview: Self Determination in the Post Colonial World

First presentation in the lecture series: ‘Self Determination in the Post Colonial World’, by Dr Tim Anderson, 2021.

We will keep posting these online videos (over the next 2 or 3 months) until there is a full set for the complete unit of study, which can be freely read, without assessment.

It is up to an associated university to take it up as a unit of study, adding assessed tasks and allowing it to count for a credit towards degree studies.

The Readings and course materials:

Presentation Notes:

Set readings:

Week One
UNGA (1960) ‘Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960, online:

UN (1984) ‘CCPR General Comment No. 12: Article 1 (Right to Self-determination), The Right to Self-determination of Peoples, Adopted at the Twenty-first Session of the Human Rights Committee, 13 March, online:

Week Two
Tilly, Charles (1993) National Self-Determination as a Problem for All of Us, Daedalus, Vol. 122, No. 3, Reconstructing Nations and States (Summer, 1993), pp. 29-36

Baru, Sanjaya (1998) ‘Mahbub ul Haq and Human Development: A Tribute’, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 33, Np 35 (Aug 29 –Sep 4), 2272-2279

Young, Iris Marion (2007) Global Challenges: war, self-determination and responsibility for justice, Polity, Cambridge, pp.39-53


Week Three
Tandon, Yash, 2015, Development is Resistance, Africa Development / Afrique et Développement, Vol. 40, No. 3, Transforming Global Relations for a Just World/Transformer les relations internationales pour un monde juste (2015), pp. 139-159

Qumsiyeh, Mazin (2011) The Logic of Popular Resistance, in Popular Resistance in Palestine, Pluto Press, London, pp.20-29


Week Four
Harvey, David (2005) A Brief History of Neoliberalism, Oxford University Press, Oxford – ‘Neoliberalism on Trial’, pp.152-182

Desai, Radhika (2013) Geopolitical economy: after US hegemony, globalization and empire, Pluto Press, New York – ‘Varieties of HST’, pp.124-137


Week Five
Anderson, Tim (2014) ‘Chávez and American Integration’ in Luis Fernando Angosto-Ferrández (Editor) Democracy, Revolution and Geopolitics in Latin America: Venezuela and the International Politics of Discontent, Routledge, New York

Guevara, Ernesto Che (1961/2006), Our America and Theirs, Ocean Press, Melbourne, pp.19-29

Kennedy, John F (1962) ‘Address on the first Anniversary of the Alliance for Progress’, The American Presidency Project, 13 March, online:


Week Six
Di John, Jonathan (2011) Is There Really a Resource Curse? A Critical Survey of Theory and Evidence, Global Governance, Vol. 17, No. 2, The Governance of Extractive Resources (Apr.- June 2011), pp. 167-184

Babo Soares, Dionisio (2003) Political developments leading to the referendum, pp. 53-73 in James J. Fox and Dionisio Babo Soares (2003) Out of the Ashes: Destruction and Reconstruction of East Timor, ANU Press, Canberra


Week Seven
Anderson, Tim (2011) ‘Melanesian Land: The Impact of Markets and Modernisation’, Journal of Australian Political Economy, No 68, December, pp.86-107

Deininger, Klaus (2003) Land Policies for Growth and Poverty Reduction, World Bank Policy Research Report, Oxford University Press and the World Bank, Washington, Executive Summary pp. xvii-xxxii, online:

Hildyard, Nicholas; Larry Lohmann, Sarah Sexton and Simon Fairlie (1995) ‘Reclaiming the Commons’, The Corner House, 31 May, (pp.110) online:


Week Eight
Janes, Craig R and Oyuntsetseg Chuluundorj (2004) ‘Free Markets and Dead Mothers: The Social Ecology of Maternal Mortality in PostSocialist Mongolia’, Medical Anthropology Quarterly Washington, Jun 2004. Vol. 18, Issue 2, p. 230-257

Kirk, John M. (2009) ‘Cuba’s Medical Internationalism: Development and Rationale’, Bulletin of Latin American Research, Vol 28, No. 2, pp.115

Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2001) Macroeconomics and Health: Investing in Health for Economic Development, World Health Organization, Geneva, Executive Summary, online:


Week Nine
Bergen, Doris (2009) ‘The Legacies of Atrocity’, The Holocaust, Rowman and Littlefield, Maryland, 233-243

Pappe, Ilan (2006) ‘Preface’, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, OneWorld, Oxford, xi-xvii

Falk, Richard and Virginia Tilley (2017) Executive Summary’, in ‘Israeli Practices towards the Palestinian People and the Question of Apartheid’, Palestine and the Israeli Occupation, Issue No. 1, E/ESCWA/ECRI/2017/1, Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), pp.10-16, online:


Week Ten
Anderson, Tim (2019) Axis of Resistance: towards an independent Middle East, Clarity Press, Atlanta, pp.11-18

Cook, Steven A. (2020) ‘Why the Middle East still matters to America’, Foreign Affairs, Nov/Dec, online:

Whitney, Mike (2016) ‘The Broken Chessboard: Brzezinski Gives Up on Empire’, Counter Punch, 25 August, online:


Week Eleven
FAO (2020) ‘The State of Food Security in the World, 2020’, Executive Summary, online:

Rosset, Peter (1999) ‘The Multiple Functions and Benefits of Small Farm Agriculture In the Context of Global Trade Negotiations’, Food First, Policy Brief No 4, September, online:

Week Twelve
Anderson, Tim (2012) ‘Development Strategy’ [Timor Leste], chapter in M. Leach and D. Kingsbury (Eds.), The Politics of TimorLeste: Democratic Consolidation after Intervention, (pp. 215238). Ithaca: Cornell Southeast Asia Program (SEAP)

Freire, Paulo (1984) Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Continuum, New York [original edition 1968] , Ch2

Sen, Amartya (2003) ‘Amartya Sen: the importance of basic education’, The Guardian, October 28, online:

UN (2015) The Sustainable Development Goals Report 2020, Chart, online:


Readings and materials for ‘Self Determination in the Post Colonial World’

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