Color Revolution in Bangladesh

After organizing the overthrow of Imran Khan in Pakistan , the United States has managed to also overthrow Sheikh Hasina in Bangladesh. A third regime change is said to be in preparation in the region.

Washington, the leader of the “free world”, is therefore not changing: in defiance of the will of the people, it is imposing leaders on them.

Sheikh Hasina, who had ruled Bangladesh for fifteen years and was celebrated as a champion of democracy, was suddenly overthrown by the mob on August 4. She is accused by the new government of having transformed her regime into a dictatorship. Indeed, the legislative elections of January 7, 2024 gave her an obedient parliament because they were boycotted by the opposition and, above all, the demonstrations of July-August were bloodily repressed, leaving at least 250 dead, perhaps 650.

As always, appearances are deceptive and media shortcuts are pure intoxication.

On May 24, 2023, the US State Department banned certain Bengali leaders from entering the United States in a move it said would force them to hold free and fair elections  [ 1 ] .

First anomaly: interference from the European Commission and the US State Department

On January 6, the day before the general elections boycotted by the opposition, Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, had accused the European Commission and the US State Department of interference in the organization of these elections  [ 2 ] . According to the Washington Post , Bharat had intervened with the State Department to ensure that the change of regime in Bangladesh would be smooth.

It is known that the International Republican Institute (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI) have been heavily involved in preparing for these elections. These organizations, linked to the CIA, have even received several millions from the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) for this.

The Bengali Supreme Court restored the quota system in the civil service in June. These are reserved for veterans of the war of independence (1971) and their descendants, which favors members of the ruling Awami League that fought the war of independence. Young graduates find themselves without job prospects. A peaceful strike is organized by student unions. It is interrupted during the Muslim holidays (Eid).

After the January 2024 elections, a US diplomat warned Sheikh Hasina that if she did not agree to cede part of the territory of Bengal, to create a Christian state straddling Myanmar and to install a foreign air force base on the island of Saint Martin, she would be overthrown. On May 24, 2024, that is, two weeks before the start of the movement against her, Sheikh Hasina had gathered the leaders of the 14 political parties of her coalition to warn them of this plot  [ 3 ] . In vain.

Second anomaly: operations to destroy symbols of Bangladesh

From the beginning of the strike in June, individuals attacked and vandalized monuments to the glory of the founder of the nation, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (assassinated in 1975). However, at that time, no one criticized this national glory. It turns out that he is not only the father of the nation ( Bangabandhu ), but also that of the chief advisor (Prime Minister), Sheikh Hasina. This is exactly what we saw at the beginning of the war in Syria (2011): unidentified individuals vandalized the statues of Hafez el-Assad (1930-2000), which at the time, no one in his country contested. It was not a question of calling into question his legacy, but of destroying symbols of the State in order to delegitimize his son and successor, Bashar el-Assad.



The international media did not attach importance to these actions against public monuments. They were, in all likelihood, perpetrated by members of the Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP). This party was created by Ziaur Rahman, president of Bangladesh from 1977 to 1981, the year of his assassination. It is pro-Islamist, while the Awami League is secular. The entire history of Bangladesh’s half-century of existence is a struggle between Islamists and secularists. The president of the BNP and former chief advisor (1991-1996 and 2001-2006), Khaleda Zia, is now in prison for embezzlement. Her son, Tarique Rahman, continues his fight from London (capital of the former Indian empire from which Bangladesh emerged) where he lives in exile.

Still behind his father, Hunter Biden will only receive the promised 100 million after the release of Khaleda Zia and the BNP’s accession to power.

Since May 2023, the BNP has hired Hunter Biden (son of the US president) through the company Blue Star Strategies. The agreement specifies that Hunter Biden will receive, in addition to lobbying fees, $100 million when the BNP returns to power.



The Islamists are represented by the Jamaat-e-Islami, founded by Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi and Said Ramadan, representing the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. They campaign against the Bengali state and for its annexation to Pakistan.

On July 10, a protest march was met by Awami League demonstrators. On July 19, demonstrators attacked a detention center, freed the prisoners, and set it on fire. The ensuing riots left over a hundred dead. On August 4, further riots left another 97 dead. Chief adviser Sheikh Hasina resigned after 650 deaths in two months and fled to India in a military helicopter .  [ 4 ]

Third anomaly: a peaceful regime suddenly becomes murderous

Sheikh Hasina had never fired on a crowd. Why did she suddenly shed this flood of blood? This is the method the United States developed during the Yugoslav wars and which I have seen them use in Libya and Syria: snipers on rooftops wound or kill both police and protesters so that each sees the other as an enemy.



On August 6, President Mohammad Shahabuddin dissolved parliament and
appointed Muhammad Yunus as interim chief adviser (prime minister) of Bangladesh to lead the government after talks with the military and the movement.

Fourth anomaly: an outsider becomes a senior advisor

By a happy coincidence, Muhammad Yunus had announced in June his intention to return to politics and govern Bangladesh  [ 5 ] . This is always the case in colour revolutions: the winner is never the one you think.

Banker Muhammad Yunus (83) has become Bangladesh’s chief adviser without having to do anything. However, he will only hold this position until the United States reveals who they organized this operation for.

Economist Muhammad Yunus (2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner for his practice of microcredits) had come into conflict with Sheikh Hasina who contested the action of his microcredit bank. He had transferred 100 million dollars of subsidies from various countries to a family business to avoid paying taxes and charged high interest rates for poor women of 21 to 37%  [ 6 ] .


Yunus is a personal friend of the Clintons and a major donor to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The Clintons threatened Sheikh Hasina that they would withhold a $1.2 billion loan from the World Bank if Bangladesh prosecuted Muhammad Yunus. Construction of the railway bridge over the Padma River was halted because of the loan not being forthcoming. US-funded newspapers allegedly exposed kickbacks paid by the Canadian bridge construction company to Sheikh Hasina. Hasina has protested her innocence and accused Muhammad Yunus of masterminding the plot. He was defended by former World Bank president and Bilderberg Group board member James Wolfensohn.


International Criminal Court (ICC) prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo has come to the scene to file charges. However, there was no Bengali prosecution against Muhammad Yunus and a Canadian court ruled that there was no wrongdoing in the construction of the Padma Bridge.

Upon his appointment, Muhammad Yunus self-appointed 25 ministries. He said in his first press conference: “I took over a country that was in many ways a mess. In its efforts to stay in power, Sheikh Hasina’s dictatorship (sic) destroyed every institution in the country. The judiciary was shattered. Democratic rights were suppressed in a brutal crackdown that lasted for ten and a half years.”


1 ]  “  Controversial US visa policy for Bangladesh catches flak from India  ”, Ranjan Basu, Dhaka Tribune , August 20, 2023.

2 ]  “  Briefing by Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova,  ” Moscow, July 6, 2023.

3 ]  “  China praises Bangladesh PM Hasina for refusing to permit foreign air base  ”, Press Trust of India (PTI), May 28, 2024.

4 ]  “  Sheikh Hasina alleges US role in ouster, says could’ve remained in power if she surrendered sovereignty of Saint Martin Island  ”, Dipanjan Roy Chaudhury, Economic Times , August 11, 2024.

5 ]  “  No competitive politics left in Bangladesh, says Nobel laureate Yunus  ”, Ruma Paul, Reuters , June 11, 2024.

6 ]  “  The Micro Debt  ”, Tom Heinemann, January 26, 2011.

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