Russia has DESTROYED the U.S. Military and NATO is Not Ready for What is Next
- Scott Ritter
- Sunday 25 Feb 24
- 834
- 2

Former US Marine Corps Officer and UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter reveals the depths of Russia’s rise and the geopolitical transformation taking shape that places US military hegemony at grave risk of destruction.
This video breaks it all down and is part of a late December 2023 livestream that remains more relevant than ever

Scott Ritter
Scott Ritter is a former Marine Corps intelligence officer who served in the former Soviet Union implementing arms control treaties, in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm, and in Iraq overseeing the disarmament of WMD.
Theo L
Voor de vrijheid van het westen onder nieuwe politicy is het vereist dat Rusland deze oorlog afmaakt en de plannen van Mr. Poutin worden gerealiseerd. Dit voorkomgt verdcere globaloisering en kunnen we terug naar een echte democratie waarin de burgers als eigenaren van de staten verder kunnen. WEF, zoals MAcron, Scholtz, canada en England zijn een gevaar voor de democratie. Daarom moet Rusland heel snel en heel hard optreden tegen door de NATO gestuurde troepen.
Theo L
For the freedom of the West under new politics it is necessary that Russia finish this war and that Mr. Poutin’s plans be realized. This will prevent further globalisation and we can return to a real democracy in which the citizens can continue as owners of the states. WEF, such as Macron, Scholtz, Canada and England are a danger to democracy. That is why Russia must act very quickly and very harshly against troops sent by NATO.