186,000 Dead: Why Netanyahu Is Hellbent on ‘Total Erasure’ of Gaza w/ Omar Baddar

The Lancet, one of the world’s most prestigious medical journals, estimated that the real death toll in Gaza is at least 186,000 Palestinians – tens of thousands more than the Gaza Health Ministry has accounted for. Israel continues to bombard civilian infrastructure and block aid to the besieged territory, resulting in countless more deaths from disease, starvation, and lack of shelter and water.

Omar Baddar, a Palestinian-American political analyst based in Washington, DC, considers how the findings of the Lancet report reveal the unprecedented nature of the US-Israeli onslaught of Palestine.

“What’s happening in Gaza is complete and total erasure so you would expect that there would be an undercount [of the death toll] because it’s almost impossible for any authorities to get to all the areas they need to get an accurate count.” @omarbaddar

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