Where Did Covid Come From?

The focus of the worldwide public’s attention on masks, lockdowns, infection rates, and vaccines serves to prevent any investigation of Covid’s origin.
Did a disease of bats or some other creature mutate so that humans became susceptible?
If so, why was research on how to make pathogens more infectious going on at the University of North Carolina and allegedly at a US military lab and then transferred to Wuhan where it was financed by Fauci at N.I.H.?
Is the justification for this research—to prepare for a pandemic—a cover for covert bioweapons development? If so, why was Washington working with China on a bioweapon?
Did Covid escape from the Wuhan lab, or did Americans take it to Wuhan during the military games there?
Why were Western countries so slow to stop travel from infected countries?
Is the rapid worldwide spread of Covid an indication that it was intentionally released everywhere almost simultaneously? Are new strains new releases?
Flu vaccines are specific to a flu. How can a Covid vaccine protect against mutating strains? Does vaccination mean a never ending series of vaccinations for each new mutation?
Is public health the focus of mask mandates, lockdowns, and vaccinations, or are other agendas being served?
I am sure that there are more questions.
But none are being officially addressed, and the presstitutes have zero interest. This suggests that the origin of Covid is being kept a secret and that a wider agenda than public health is being served.
Sounds like we are being prepared for more control over our behavior, travel, and livelihood. A country in which people are easily regimented is not a place to be living.
As there is money to be made in a “Covid Passport,” private business will lobby it through and help build the Total Police State (TPS). Between the private sector’s greed for money and the public sector’s greed for power, we can kiss freedom good-bye.
Spain prepares a “Registry” of those who refuse Covid vaccination
And now the World Health Orgnization’s chief scientist tells us that there is “no evidence Covid vaccine prevents viral transmission.”
So what is it all really about?
Miguel Graziottin
Well, like the flu vaccine (which we have to get every year due to new mutations), it seems to me that the covid-19 vaccine will follow the same pattern