U.S. drone strike kills 30 pine nut farm workers in Afghanistan

The warriors who conducted this drone strike from a safe distance in the U.S. without any danger to themselves other than their moral conscience if they have one are henceforth “heroes.”  “Thank you for your service.”

The majority of the people killed by the US military in Washington’s 21st century wars for Israel and the military/security complex’s profits have been women, children, village elders, weddings, funerals, children’s soccer games, and farm workers.   But this is merely the collateral damage of bringing democracy and the American way to the oppressed.

Everytime I go through the Atlanta airport I am subjected to endless recordings thanking our service persons for their service, and informing the rest of us that enlisted military persons will be first to board.  Service to who? How is someone serving the profits of the military/security complex and the state of Israel a hero?  Our “heros” are lowly paid mercenaries serving evil. Thanking them for their service is like thanking Satan for his evil.

Caitlin touched on this recently:


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