Trump’s Sentencing Judge Changes the Date so as Not to Interfere with the Election

The Democrat operative pretending to be a judge who set Trump’s sentencing date for September 18 has backed off and reset it for after the election. The Democrat operative said he changed the date in order to avoid the appearance that he was trying to influence the election. I would like to think that articles by Alan Dershowitz, myself and others about the incongruity of Democrats blaming Russians for influencing the election when they were doing so themselves had an impact. Funny, isn’t it, that the Democrat operative didn’t think of that himself.

The Democrats are out to get America. They are ready to impose a coup. All they need is one more stolen election.

The same thing is happening all over the Western world. No one who represents the ethnic basis of the countries can get in public office. In Ireland, England, Scandinavia, Germany, France, and the rest of what were once nations, the police and governments side with immigrant-invaders against citizens. The same is happening in the US where immigrant-invaders seize homes and apartment buildings and the authorities refuse to protect the owners. It seems that nothing short of violent revolution can do anything about it. It seems the peoples are too indoctrinated and beaten down to act. The confidence of Western civilization has been destroyed by decades of attack from within. There is no one to defend it. Indeed, Western governments refuse to defend their own borders. The Camp of the Saints is upon us.

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