It is discouraging that politicians, such as Trump and DeSantis who protect us from DEI and other Woke evil are aligned with Israel against American civil liberty. Are they really our heroes if Israel owns them?
The anomaly of American politicians aligned with Israel against America shows the folly of permitting money to purchase the government.
Candidates for office should compete on the basis of ideas, not on the basis of who sells out to the most interest groups and amasses the largest political campaign fund.
Candidates selected by parties or some reasonable process should have free air time paid for by public funds to make their case for the agenda they represent.
Philip Giraldi emphasizes that it is the Israel Lobby that is turning America into a tyranny by criminalizing free speech.
How are we to be made great again when, among legions of Israeli puppets, the President of the United States and the Governor of Florida sacrifice the First Amendment to Israel?

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
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