Corrupt Democrats Paid by Big Pharma Trying to Block Robert F. Kennedy’s Appointment

As I said, it is a fight to the death.

Years ago I thought Elizabeth Warren would be a good senator who would stand up for the people against the financial sector.  But I was wrong. Warren turned out to be just another unhinged Democrat.  Indeed, are there any Democrats who are not unhinged?

Commentators are saying that the behavior of Democrats at Robert F. Kennedy’s confirmation hearing as Secretary of Health and Human Services was disgraceful.  Certainly it was.  But what it really demonstrates is what total shills Democrats are for Big Pharma.  

Warren’s outrage against Kennedy is explained by her annual payment of $821,941 in campaign contributions from Big Pharma whose vaccines have done extraordinary damage to people’s health.  Warren is the second highest paid Big Pharma senator after Bernie Sanders $1,417,811.

It is beyond question that the FDA, CDC, and NIH are revolving doors for Big Pharma.  Officials of these “regulatory” agencies give the go-ahead for dangerous drugs and vaccines such as the Covid vax.  Big Pharma makes billions of dollars killing people and destroying their health, and for their reward the “regulatory” officials are provided with million dollar jobs with Big Pharma.  The senate goes along with this for massive campaign contributions. This is just the beginning of the story.  Big Pharma’s research grants control medical school curriculums and the contents of medical journals.  Medical boards are also in Big Pharma’s pocket, and the corrupt boards yank the medical licenses of doctors who bring to light Big Pharma’s dangerous products.  It seems that the bulk of American mothers are brainwashed into believing their children will die unless vaccinated endlessly.  To their weak minds, “anti-vax” is a form of child abuse.

It takes a brave man to take on such a corrupt industry and indoctrinated population.  Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is that man.

Corrupt Democrats Paid by Big Pharma Trying to Block Robert F. Kennedy’s Appointment

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