Are the US and Israel Lost to Evil?

PCR interviewed by Nima Alkhorshid on Dialogue Works
This interview was immediately taken down by YouTube doing its assigned job of preventing any criticism of Israel and the Covid vax. Those who use YouTube support censorship.
The evening after this interview Israel launched what I understand was an approved attack on Iran, approved by the US, Russia, and Iran, as long as the attack was very limited, did not target nuclear power plants, oil and refineries, and civilian infrastructure. It was an attack more in show than effect for internal Israeli propaganda that the Israeli government struck back against Iran. Iran is reported to have agreed not to keep the tit for tat going if no real damage was done to Iran.
Israeli media claim that the attack broke the backbone of the Iranian military. Larry Johnson, a more reliable source, reports that the attack was a standoff attack from Iraqi air space with missiles fired from aircraft. Practically all of the missiles were intercepted by Iranian air defenses. The Israeli aircraft knew better than to enter Iranian air space where they would have been destroyed.
It seems Russian supplied air defense systems have neutralized the shock and awe tactic. Consequently, war will be put back onto the ground where the US and Israeli forces don’t fare well. The Israelis have apparently made no headway in their efforts to move against Hezbollah forces on the ground in Lebanon. Possibly the vaunted Israeli army is on its way to its third defeat by a mere Arab militia.
Meriem Kheira Peillet
and who is the evil? The UK? ahahah!