War Crimes: Ukrainian Army Attacks Children’s Home in Donetsk

Donbass – Ukrainian army takes Children’s home under fire!

Alina from @NewsFromRussia was a guest in a children’s home near Dokuchaevsk, Donetsk People’s Republic. The border with Ukraine is very close here, Dokuchaevsk is part of the “red zone” where shooting takes place almost every day. What the home leaders show Alina is outrageous: Ukrainian soldiers took the home as well as its neighborhood under fire one night in 2014 – a bullet flew right past the face of a sleeping child before hitting the bed frame.

The journalist Alina Lipp delivered relief supplies to 12 children in the children’s home in Dokuchevsk. The children danced and recited poems to thank her for the gifts.

The children’s home was shot at by Ukrainian troops in 2014. The head of the home shows bullet holes just above the pillow in a child’s bedroom. Bullet holes can be seen in the walls everywhere in the room. Fortunately, no child was injured in the shooting.

Home manager: A shard came in here too, it was stopped by a book of Andersen’s fairy tales. There is some kind of providence after all. The home director speaks plainly:

Leaving home is out of the question. One cannot live here in peace, we sing under constant stress. But we are on our own land, we don’t have to run anywhere. When the situation calms down a bit, they stop shelling the city, then it’s already good, already calm.

People often ask us if we are used to the shelling. No, not used to it. You can’t get used to something like that. Every time there is an attack, every time there is shooting, every time there are machine guns and ammunition explodes, my heart pounds. You don’t get used to it. In the middle of the night you wake up and hear that there is shooting somewhere. You go out into the street and hear where there is shooting. By the nature of the shots, you already know if there is shooting in the city or not. You already kind of prepare yourself.

Here there was shooting by Bandera units, and it was exactly when children were going to school and people were going to work. When there was a lot of shooting, of course, we didn’t let the children go to school. But you can hear from which side they are shooting.

Alina: Here in Germany, the media say that the evil separatists in the Donbass are the ones who are doing the shooting.

Home director: …yes, we are evil

Alina: …attacked Ukraine again and each time the attacks were initiated from their side.

Home director: In a fight there are always two people: one provokes, the other defends himself and strikes properly. Today’s justice system condemns the one who strikes properly and not the one who provokes, that is, the one who initiated the conflict.

This is what Ukraine does: it drops ammunition a few times and we hit back – that’s it, the separatists are evil.

Why should I tolerate that?

War Crimes: Ukrainian Army Attacks Children’s Home in Donetsk

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