The Emperor Has No Brain: New Issue Of JOHNSTONE Magazine

I publish my work in print form every month in a collection called JOHNSTONE magazine. The new edition is now available to order in print or download in pay-what-you-want e-book version.

During the first presidential debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Americans got a harsh reminder that their nation is run not by their official elected leaders but by unelected empire managers from behind the scenes. Biden spent much of the debate staring vacantly, reaching for words, spouting gibberish, and even catching a quick power nap, proving everyone right who’s been saying for years that this man is suffering from a degenerative neurological condition.

This issue of JOHNSTONE is titled “The Emperor Has No Brain”, because the elected official who supposedly runs the globe-spanning power structure that is loosely centralized around Washington cannot possibly have enough functioning gray matter to be the one calling the shots.

You can get a paperback copy of this issue by clicking here, or a pay-what-you-feel digital copy by clicking here.

Other paperback editions of JOHNSTONE can be purchased by clicking here. Other digital editions can be downloaded by clicking here.


  1. Really Think About What It Means That The US President Has Dementia … 3
  2. How Does Anyone Still Care About This Bullshit? … 5
  3. Assange Is Free, But Justice Has Not Been Done … 8
  4. Hell, Maybe ANYTHING Is Possible … 10
  5. Biden Lets Ukraine Strike Russia With US Weapons While Ukraine Attacks Russian Nuclear Defenses … 12
  6. The US Empire Isn’t A Government That Runs Nonstop Wars, It’s A Nonstop War That Runs A Government … 14
  7. They Can’t Control The Gaza Narrative Because Too Much Has Been Seen … 16
  8. Why I Don’t Condemn Hamas For October 7 … 18
  9. The Reckless Brinkmanship With Russia Just Keeps On Escalating … 20
  10. Landfill Empire … 22
  11. The Washington Post Is Pure AIDS … 24
  12. When Opposing A Genocide Means You’re A Nazi … 27
  13. Everything About Israel Is Fake … 29
  14. The Media Skew Public Perception By Manipulating People’s Attention … 32
  15. Saving Gaza Is About More Than Saving Gaza. It’s Also About Saving Ourselves … 35
  16. Ignoring Daily Massacres In Gaza While Still Babbling About October 7 … 37
  17. Give New York To The Mormons … 39
  18. When The Powerful Control Public Opinion, Elections Aren’t Real … 40
  19. Spreading The Fiction Of An Antisemitism Epidemic On The Left … 43
  20. Behold The World Gently … 46
  21. “I Ain’t Reading All That; Free Palestine” … 48
  22. We’ve Seen This “Antisemitism Crisis On The Left” Script Before … 50
  23. Making October 7 About Antisemitism To Hide Israel’s Abuses … 52
  24. The US Is Preparing For WWIII While Expanding Draft Registration … 54
  25. Everything In Our Civilization Is Stacked To Keep Us Believing The Propaganda … 56
  26. Our Propagandized Society Is Like A Sick Man Who Doesn’t Know He’s Sick … 58
  27. Zionism Is The Exact Opposite Of Spirituality … 60
  28. Our Rulers Are Literally Driving Us Crazy … 62
  29. If Gaza Opened Your Eyes To The Empire’s Depravity, Make Sure They Stay Open Forever … 64
  30. There Can Be No Sovereignty As Long As The US Empire Exists … 66
  31. Listen Deeply … 68

Again, you can get a paperback copy of this issue by clicking here, or click here for a digital pay-what-you-feel copy.

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