Israel Isn’t Attacking Because It Was Attacked, It’s Attacking Because It Got An Excuse: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

Hezbollah has confirmed that the Israeli strike which killed hundreds of people in residential buildings in Beirut also killed Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah.

It’s crazy to see people justifying such horrific attacks on the basis that a political leader they don’t like was also killed. Like, really? That’s your defense?? That the massacre was also a political assassination?

The White House released a statement applauding the strike, calling it “a measure of justice” because Hezbollah “were responsible for killing hundreds of Americans over a four-decade reign of terror.”

It shows how little value the western empire assigns Arab lives that an assassination strike which killed hundreds of Lebanese civilians is viewed as a “measure of justice” for killing hundreds of Americans over four decades.

And now Israel is reportedly preparing to launch a “limited” ground incursion into Lebanon.

Defending Israeli aggressions by saying “Israel was attacked!” would make more sense if Israel wasn’t the obvious instigator, and didn’t respond to the attack with vastly more severe attacks of its own, and wasn’t using the attack to justify rolling out pre-existing agendas.

Israel isn’t killing all these people because it was attacked, Israel is killing all these people because it was given an excuse. Israel has always wanted to grab more land and eliminate the populations who oppose it. It’s using the political moment that October 7 gave it to roll out agendas it has wanted to roll out for generations. Israel has been squeezing and squeezing and squeezing its targets for generation after generation waiting for them to push back sufficiently to hand them an excuse.

There’s a lot of speculation as to if and when Iran will involve itself more materially in the current conflict, but whatever happens any amount of involvement Iran does have in middle eastern conflicts would have infinitely more legitimacy than US involvement there.

It has long been obvious that western liberals are lying about who they are and what they stand for, but it took a Democrat overseeing genocidal atrocities during an election season to fully drive the point home.

The above statement by Daou is quantifiably, indisputably true, and it is devastating to the argument that Democrats should be supported in the name of “harm reduction”. The only way to avoid seeing this is to think the feelings and convenience of American liberals matter more than foreign lives.

This doesn’t mean that Trump is good, or that he’s not a warmonger, or even that he’d necessarily be less of a warmonger than Biden if re-elected. But it does mean this “vote Democrat so fewer people get hurt” line of thinking is not based on facts or evidence, and only makes sense within a western supremacist worldview which does not consider non-western lives to have equal value to western lives. If you don’t have such a worldview it’s immediately clear that there’s no evidence-based reason to believe voting Democrat leads to a reduction of harm throughout the world.

There’s not actually any way to know which presidential candidate would do more harm if elected, because they’re both so obscenely awful and murderous and there’s no way to predict how their awful murderousness will manifest in policy during their time in office. All you can do is draw an imaginary line between “foreign policy” and “domestic policy” and compartmentalize the two away from each other, and then say “well this candidate makes my feelings feel nicer on domestic policy so they are therefore better” while ignoring the fact that the overwhelming majority of the abusiveness of US presidents happens outside the borders of the United States.

The real harm reduction would entail ending the systems which make you choose between two murderous warmongers, and it would entail dismantling the US empire itself. Anything short of this is just fooling yourself.

There’s a new propaganda film out titled “We Will Dance Again” about the Hamas attack on October 7. I dunno I kinda think if my country was furiously trying to start World War Three while in the midst of an active genocide I wouldn’t be in any big hurry to “dance again”.

Russia has officially changed its nuclear doctrine, lowering the threshhold for when the use of nuclear weapons would be allowed, in response to western aggressions.

At some point in the future “They’re bluffing, cross that red line” is going to be one step too far. If we continue along this trajectory, at some point Russia is going to do something horrifying to re-establish credible deterrence.

The question we need to ask is: is it worth it?

Listen to a reading of this article (reading by Tim Foley):

2 thoughts on “Israel Isn’t Attacking Because It Was Attacked, It’s Attacking Because It Got An Excuse: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix

  • Guy St Hilaire

    Israel is attacking because it has the blessing of the US administration .It is that simple .If the the US administration forbade Netanyahoo from speaking to congress and senators ,it would be a totally different picture .even if the Christian zionist of the West started to see the world as it is instead of the world they wish it was .The brainwashing has been going on for how long now ?

  • Al

    The real question now is how and when will the Resistance kill the zionist butcher netanyahu.


    “Israel” is committing genocide and violating every international laws. They are able to do so not because nobody can’t stop them but because ‘superpowers’ (that is nations with nuclear weapons and sufficient power to stop them) do nothing to stop them.

    The UN is not an organization acting for the good of humanity, even though many UN employees are probably genuine humanitarians, the UN like the WHO, the WEF and other globalist organizations and are a vehicle to advance the ‘globalists’ world control agenda, which is also the Jewish world control agenda.

    The real problem is not the impotence of the UN, this is on the contrary a good thing otherwise all national sovereignty would be gone, but the inaction of nations like Russia, China, India, Pakistan, and other nuclear powers that could force “Israel” to stop the genocide if they wanted to act.

    I am not mentioning countries like the USA, UK or France since their puppet governments are under zionist control. The USA, UK and European nations under the yoke of the EU (another ZOG entity) are supporting the genocide, funding it and are censoring and repressing citizens opposing it.

    I want to single out the hypocrisy of some western countries like Spain who “recognized” Palestine as a state and sends frigates to bomb Yemen who actually helps Palestine. Why don’t the Spanish socialist regime sends weapons to the Resistance if it really wants to help Palestinians? Same for Norway and Ireland, two ZOG countries.

    The US is the main perpetrator of the genocide with ‘israel’, not only because they throw gigantic taxpayer money at their partner in crime but also because they are actively involved in the mass murder of children and women by providing Intel to the zionists, by most likely participating in the bombings (US pilots with US planes who have dual passports are actually killing civilians), by providing the technology behind the massacres (pagers sabotage and satellite surveillance to assassinate leaders in foreign countries while killing civilians).

    So, the US is not just the country funding the genocide, but its main enabler and as such Biden and Harris, Blinken, Austin and all the others involved are guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.

    Harris, I repeat for those blind, cynical or stupid enough to vote for her, is guilty of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. she belongs to jail, not to the white house.


    India with Modi is in fact a ZOG country, Modi is one of the worst globalist scumbag on the planet and eats in both US and ‘israel’s hands while pretending to be part of an ‘alternative’ with the BRICS. Modi profits from sanctions to get cheap energy from Russia to sell it at high prices to the West.

    Why is Pakistan, India arch enemy, neighbor of Iran and one of the biggest Muslim country in the world not even doing the bare minimum to stop the genocide? Because its government is like the Egyptian one, a US puppet regime?

    Which leaves us with Russia and China, and North Korea.

    Russia is under aggression from the zionists as well, using their local Jew Zelensky. While Russia certainly provides weapons and help to countries in the region, it is very discreet regarding the genocide.

    It is known that Putin is a good friend of zionists and Jewish oligarchs. Russian media like RT are very ‘politically correct’ in their reports about it (echoing Jewish owned western media) while never failing to expose the West’s double standards and criminality, but strangely failing to expose ‘israel’ for same and for being a genocidal regime.

    China is just complaining about the genocide without really naming it and does nothing to stop it. I am not aware of any help from the Chinese to the region, to Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Palestine or anyone else.

    It seems that North Korea helped Hezbollah built their tunnels from where they target the zionist invaders. I don’t know if it’s true but if it is one can only praise North Korea for doing so.

    We know the dictum: ” watch what they do, not what they say”.

    So far, the most vocal US-zionist hegemony opponents are China and Russia and yet, while they could really weigh on the conflict and end it by applying the right pressure to the zionist occupiers and by heavily helping militarily and financially the Resistance, they do the minimum to show that they disagree but without anything really effective.

    It would just be fair if Russia and China were doing to the US what the US are doing to them in East Asia and Ukraine, but they seem content to be only on the defensive and talking sides without applying a logical tit for tat policy.

    For this reason, I believe both crises are not what they appear to be and all these superpowers have a common interest in letting the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Palestine/Lebanon continue unabated.

    It is even possible that, through central banks for example, China, Russia, Pakistan or India are under zionist control too, leaving us with kabuki theatre in both conflicts.


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