US Elections are for Protecting the “Deep State,” Not Changing it

1. Political power is determined by those who control the most wealth;
2. Wealth affords the ability to control the media, policymakers, legislators, as well as the means to enforce policy through lawfare & actual warfare;
3. Current corporate-financier monopolies across the West maintain a vast network of think tanks arriving at a concensus, publishing policy papers, turned into bills by lawyers, brought to Washington by lobbyists to be rubber stamped (by both parties) while the corporate media sells it to the public;
4. If this monopoly over wealth has not transferred hands, neither will the political power or the policies determined by it;
5. American elections exist as a layer of protection for this monopoly, not as a means of changing it;
6. Breaking these monopolies requires diverting public money, time, attention, and energy away from them and into alternatives – multipolarism is already achieving this globally, it is up to Americans to do this domestically;
I appreciate your analysis and check it daily. However, I am here in the States fighting the battle and you’re not. At 76 I have been fighting this for 50 years. You’re telling me about the Party of Venice/City of London? You are a day late and a dollar short.