If China’s Reunification Plan for Taiwan is “Fizziling,” Why is Taipei “Alarmed?”

▪️Truth is, one headline is propaganda reflecting what the West wishes was happening, the other reflecting what is happening;

▪️China offers Taiwan an objectively better future than the US ever could and within the framework of international law and China’s territorial integrity;

▪️Even if China’s economy is slowing down, the US still can’t and has no intention of offering Taiwan better options, nor does it have any right to be involved in the first place;

▪️Just as the US has done elsewhere it can’t offer better options, it instead is preparing to overturn the gameboard entirely with destructive conflict just as it did in Europe over Ukraine;

▪️Taiwan’s future, if Washington has its way, is as a dysfunctional armed outpost of American aggression at best, a burnt cider at worst;


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