The UN won’t protect Gaza, but can adopt a ‘Pact for the Future?’

The United Nations has become a parody of itself. As world leaders gathered in New York this week, Gaza, Lebanon, and Palestine were nowhere on the agenda, but a rammed-through US Pact designed to protect the ‘rules-based order’ was right at the top.

The United Nations and its Security Council’s inability – and unwillingness – to stop a live-streamed genocide has discredited it beyond any possible redemption. Any serious resolution inflicting serious consequences to Israel’s deadly psychopathology was, is, and will be blocked at the UN Security Council.

Cue to a surrealist spectacle this past Sunday and Monday in New York right before the 79th annual General Assembly, where heads of state convened to deliver their lofty speeches at the GA podium.

UN member-states adopted a Pact for the Future, with 143 votes in favor, only seven against, and 15 abstentions. The devil is in the details, of course: who actually designed it and approved it; how did it make its way to the top of the agenda while the world is burning; and why do we smell a (giant) rat?

The UN public relations machine announced, cheerfully, that the “key outcome of the Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to steer humanity on a new course towards our common future.”

Nice language, but to be clear, this is nothing like the Chinese, inclusive, philosophical concept of “community of a shared future for mankind.” It’s more like the common future envisaged by the Atlanticist plutocracy that rules the so-called “garden,” which only produces diktats for the “jungle.”

How China, Russia, and Iran voted

Russia’s First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, Dmitry Polyansky, summed up the initiative aptly:

The United Nations infringed upon its own principles to pander to a group of delegations from the ‘beautiful garden,’ who have usurped the talks from the very beginning. And the majority from the ‘jungle,’ like a herd, could not find courage enough to protest and defend their rights. They will bear responsibility for the consequences.

A number of diplomats, speaking off the record in quite bewildered tones, confirmed there were actually no serious prior negotiations and that the Pact was adopted by consensus with a minimalistic group of only seven nations – all from the “jungle” – trying to put up a Resistance, dismissing the prepared text and failing to add last-minute amendments.

Even brand-new UN General Assembly President Philemon Yang tried to do something. The resisters proposed that Yang should postpone the voting until all provisions were agreed – specifically the ones on disarmament and the interfering role of NGOs in the work of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.

But the “garden” applied Full Pressure to ram the Pact through, and the resisters came up with too little, too late.

A few African diplomats complained, off the record, that their countries were contrary to the Pact but were voting “out of solidarity.” That’s code for being bullied or actually bribed by the “garden.”

And now comes the clincher. Both Russia and Iran voted “No.” And China abstained.

In short, the three key civilization-states, which happen to be the key drivers of Eurasia integration and arguably the three most important BRICS members, rejected the garden-manufactured Pact. The key unstated reason is that this Pact is ultimately against the BRICS and the rise of a second global pole.

A dead giveaway is the several direct references in the Pact to the “rules-based international order,” the Hegemon’s mantra. The Pact was deftly engineered to isolate the top civilization-states and to split BRICS from the inside: classic Divide and Rule.

As for the real pact for the Global Majority’s future, it will soon start to be seriously discussed – not at the UN, but at the BRICS annual summit in Kazan next month.

Gaza who?

Despite the fact that the UN building is hosting the biggest group of world leaders seen together in a year, absolutely nothing is being done about the Gaza genocide and Israel’s expansion of war into Lebanon. This startling inactivity on the globe’s most pressing humanitarian crisis has stunned even “garden”-feeders in the Persian Gulf, who typically cling to US diktats on most things.

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Assistant Secretary-General for Political Affairs & Negotiation, Dr Abdel Aziz Aluwaisheg, even penned an editorial that points to the delusion of US President Joe Biden “asserting that the international system is working and that the US in particular is holding it together” – the only head of state to make this claim at the podium this year.

In his column entitled “Biden’s final flawed speech at the UN General Assembly,” Aluwaisheg reveals: “In high-level gatherings held in New York these days, such as the “Summit of the Future,” participants agree that the UN system is broken and in need of reform, or even an overhaul.” He adds:

Looked at from the point of view of a veto-wielding superpower, the system is working. It can stop any action it does not like and go along with the decisions of which it approves. What could be better? But the world looks different from the perspective of defenseless refugees in Gaza, huddled by the ruins of their homes, having lost numerous family members and who could get killed at any minute by a far superior military force unchecked by the UN and supported by its most powerful members.

The UN devolves into an annex of Davos

The whole UN building in New York City has now been reduced to a monolith celebrating Dejection and Cynicism, as it becomes crystal clear to any diplomatic corps that the Gaza genocide and now its extension to Lebanon are fully supported by the western criminal syndicate, led by Anglo-American Zionism.

In this aspect, any vote at the UN should be considered irrelevant. The whole UN structure should be considered irrelevant.

The Pact should be read at one’s own peril. It’s a cliché word salad mixing unrestrained virtual signaling with a rehash of old policies from dead deals such as the Obama-era TPP trade agreement, plus a Global Digitization drive originally redacted, in thesis, by the governments of Germany and Namibia.

Yet the real redactors were the usual suspects: Big Tech and Big Finance, enforcers of the “rules-based international order.”

This future envisaged for mankind – unlike the Chinese communitarian spirit – is an apotheosis of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, coming straight from the Davos gang, personified by the World Economic Forum (WEF).

These are the actors who supervised the previous, non-existing “negotiations,” harking back to the fateful cooperation agreement between the UN and the World Economic Forum (WEF) signed in July 2019, a few months before the Covid era.

This agreement, as analyst Peter Koenig has remarked, is “illegal,” as “the UN may not enter into agreements with NGOs, but de facto irrelevant in a rules-based-ordered world.” In real life, it configures the UN as merely an annex to Davos.

So, welcome to your dystopian future, which is now even set on paper. No paper, sorry, that’s so old-fashioned: in digital script.

Is there a way out? Yes. The Global Resistance, incrementally, is being sculpted into a cohesive, transcontinental force, much of its reach and depth due to an increasingly more assertive China. The BRICS are dead-set on developing powerful interconnected nodes capable of steering the Global Majority towards an equitable, livable, non-dystopian future. All eyes on Kazan in October.

One thought on “The UN won’t protect Gaza, but can adopt a ‘Pact for the Future?’

  • Diana Pearce

    The UN and all the other globalist organizations have to be dissolved
    No other way as there will always be sheep to follow their corrupt leaders down any path they take


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