The endless cycle of genocidal depravity – supported by the West

Israel flinging bodies off rooftops is nothing new to the Resistance forces

Zionist soldiers repeatedly kick a lifeless body of a Palestinian before throwing the body off the roof. Qabatiya, occupied West Bank

Palestine has endured countless sadistic attacks and savagery for the last 100 years and has seen an unprecedented increase in such barbarity since October 7th.

Prisoners have recounted being paraded before the Israeli public in cages, being spat at and having bananas thrown at them. Human rights and recent press reports detail instances where soldiers inserted a mobile phone into a prisoner’s anus and then called it, laughing as it rang inside his body. Soldiers have also taunted prisoners by claiming they were playing soccer with their children’s heads in Gaza. These instances provide only a glimpse into the sadistic behaviour exhibited by Israelis against Palestinians during times of genocide.

Samah Jabr

The cruelty that has been witnessed through the live stream videos and images emanating from Gaza and the occupied territories has been off the scale. Yesterday Al Jazeera received footage of a young man injured in an air strike in Gaza, huddled in the crater trying to call for help. A Zionist drone obliterated him.

On the 20th September in Qabatiya, occupied West Bank – at least two videos were published showing Zionist forces abusing lifeless Palestinian bodies before flinging them off the roof. The soldiers dragged one body to the edge of the roof, kicked it multiple times before pushing the body over the edge to tumble to the ground.

A second body was swung by the soldiers before being flung from the roof to the ground below. Reports alleged that an Israeli bulldozer was dispatched to retrieve both bodies, denying the return of the dead to their families. A reported three bodies were disposed of in this way.

Ameed Shehadeh, a correspondent for Al-Arabi who also witnessed the incident, told CNN:

“A bulldozer tried to demolish the house to bring the bodies down. That didn’t work. Soldiers went up and kicked and pushed the bodies off the roof, as we have seen.”

Shehadeh also said a fourth body had been thrown off an adjacent roof.

From Al Mayadeeen:

Videos circulating on social media show Israeli occupation forces desecrating and throwing the bodies of Palestinians they killed off a building in the city of Qabatiya in Jenin. Earlier, Al Mayadeen’s correspondent reported that Israeli occupation forces stormed Qabatiya, surrounding several Palestinian homes and firing Energa shells at one of them. Our correspondent added that the bodies of several martyrs were on the rooftop of one of the houses after being targeted by the occupation forces, who also prevented ambulance crews from reaching the injured.

The US state department claimed to be “deeply disturbed” but “is waiting for the results of the IDF investigation into the incident”. John Kirby – “”If it’s proven to be authentic, it clearly would depict abhorrent and egregious behaviour by professional soldiers”. Effectively asking a mass murderer to investigate a killing spree and find themselves innocent. Imagine this crime carried out by a Russian soldier or by the Syrian Arab Army. Would the US allied response be so muted?

This criminal behaviour reminds me of two other incidents. The first in Alexandria, Egypt 2013 when I was in the country waiting for permission to go to Gaza. My friends in Alexandria described the incident as appalling and shocking.

Two young anti-Morsi demonstrators climbed onto a rooftop pillar to escape a mob of Morsi supporters, including an Al Qaeda/ISIS terrorist in a white t-shirt with a gun and flag who circled them, throwing stones and insults. These terrorists would later appear in Syria or in the Sinai alongside the US regime change alliance proxies. Two of the men were thrown from the pillar to the ground

In Al Bab, Aleppo countryside in 2012 – the baying so-called ‘rebels” aka Al Qaeda-affiliated mob threw post-office workers from the roof while the crowds celebrated.

Alongside the West, Israel funded, armed and supported these terrorist factions to overthrow the Syrian government and to partition Syria into warring, sectarian statelets which would be easier for Israel to control and reduce the threat from Syria in the future. This project originated in the 1997 Clean Break doctrine commissioned by Netanyahu.

Justin Raimondo:

In “A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,” a 1996 document prepared by a gaggle of neocons — [Richard] Perle, Douglas Feith, James Colbert, Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Robert Loewenberg, David Wurmser, and Meyrav Wurmser — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was urged to “break out” of Israel’s alleged stagnation and undertake a campaign of “regime change” across the Middle East, targeting Lebanon, Libya, Syria, Iraq, and eventually Iran. With the exception of Iran — and that one’s still cooking on the back burner — this is precisely what has occurred. In 2003, in the immediate wake of our Pyrrhic “victory” in Iraq, then Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared to a visiting delegation of American members of Congress that these “rogue states” — Iran, Libya, and Syria — would have to be next on the War Party’s target list.

Palestine-based journalist Jonathan Cook wrote the following about the AP coverage of the Zionist rooftop crimes:

The coverage of Israeli soldiers pushing three Palestinians off a roof in the West Bank – it’s unclear if they are dead or near-dead – is being barely reported by the western media, even though it was videoed from two different angles and a reporter from the main US news agency Associated Press witnessed it.

AP reported on this some nine hours ago. Its feed is accessed by all western establishment media, so they all know.

Yet again, the media has chosen to ignore Israeli war crimes, even when there is definitive proof that they occurred. (Or perhaps more accurately: even more so when there is definitive proof they occurred.)

Remember, that same media never fails to highlight – or simply make up – any Palestinian crime (such as those non-existent “beheaded babies”).

AP itself treats this incident in the West Bank town of Qabatiya as no big deal. It reports that it may be part of a “pattern of excessive force” by Israeli soldiers towards Palestinians.

That comment, without quote marks and ascribed to a human rights group, is almost certainly AP’s preferred characterisation of the group’s reference to a pattern not of “excessive force” but of war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.

AP makes sure to give Israel’s pretext for why it is committing war crimes: “Israel says the raids are necessary to stamp out militancy.”

But it forgets yet again to mention why that “militancy” exists: because Israel has been violently enforcing an illegal military occupation of the Palestinian territories for many decades, in which it – once again illegally – drafts in an army of settler militias to drive out the native Palestinian population.

AP also forgets to mention that, under international law, the Palestinians have every right to resist Israel’s occupying soldiers, including “militantly”.

Western governments might characterise Palestinians shooting at Israeli soldiers as “terrorism”, but that’s not how it is seen in the international law codes that western states drafted decades ago and that they claim to uphold.

It’s also worth noting that the local Palestinian reporter who witnessed this crime had his report rewritten by “Julia Frankel, an Associated Press reporter in Jerusalem”.

As is true with many other western outlets, AP copy is editorially overseen from Jerusalem, where its office is staffed mostly with Israeli Jews.

Western news outlets doubtless privately rationalise this to themselves as a wise precaution, making sure their copy is “sensitive” to Israel’s perspective and less likely to incur the wrath of the Israeli government and Israel lobby.

Which is precisely the problem. The bias in western reporting is baked in. It’s designed not to upset Israel – in the midst of a “plausible genocide”, according to the World Court – which means it’s entirely skewed and completely untrustworthy.

It makes our media utterly complicit in Israel’s war crimes, including when Israeli soldiers throw Palestinians off a roof.

The AP story is here and their version of events was shamelessly copy/pasted by The GuardianBBC etc.

The origins of this level of dehumanisation and sadism lie in the West. It is therefore no surprise that the settler colonialist Zionist project incubated by the British and adopted by the US is behaving in this way. This level of savagery, disregard for human life and exhibitionism are a result of the impunity afforded to the Zionist entity by the nations that reflect this barbarism and protect it from scrutiny. Whether it is the Zionist movement or Al Qaeda, ISIS – it is the product of Western globalism.

There is no separation between the Western hegemons and their allied genocidal entities and terrorist proxies created and sustained to fulfil their darkest global agendas.

Remember Iraq?

In the 2003 Camp Breadbasket case in Iraq, [British] female soldiers played a central role alongside male soldiers in sexually abusing the Iraqi boys at the camp; the abuse involved photographing the boys naked in sexually degrading positions, and the female soldiers furthermore subjected the boys to sexual taunts while forcing them to maintain these sexual poses. In the aforementioned cases from Medomsley, women (or it could have been one woman) watched as boys were sexually abused and raped by ex-soldiers, for the pleasure of the female spectator.

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