SYRIA UPDATES: Explosion close to U.S. base in north-east and ISIS attack Syrian Arab Army bus

US continues to commit war crimes in Syria in support of ISIS
US military convoy in Hasaka, north-east Syria
Last night (10th August) around 11pm there were reports of a large explosion at the U.S. illegal military base at Al Shadadi, Hasaka, north-east Syria.

Map of the area east of Deir Ezzor. Red star is the Al Shadadi US base occupying Syrian resources and territory.
Two US helicopters were immediately spotted by locals flying over the scene. Later it was confirmed that the explosion had been in a Kurdish Contra ammunition warehouse very close to the US military base. Eyewitness reports said that shrapnel and debris from the explosion hit the US compound causing material damage. No US military personnel injuries have been reported but that does not mean they do not exist. The Kurdish separatists have reported some casualties.
Nobody has claimed responsibility yet.
Syrian Arab Army bus attacked by ISIS east of Deir Ezzor
Around one hour after the explosion ISIS terrorists carried out an attack on a bus transporting Syrian Arab Army soldiers. 23 soldiers were killed in the attack, ten others wounded. The bus was on the road in the Al Mayadin desert east of Deir Ezzor.
The SAA and allies immediately sent reinforcements to the area with air-cover from Russian warplanes.
It is highly likely that the U.S. took advantage of the explosion to use ISIS terror cells to attack the SAA night bus.
Sometimes the journalist in me is overwhelmed by the sacrifices made by the young people of this country that has resisted 12 years of one of the most brutal wars in history. This morning I wrote the following:

Not a martyr but one of the young men ready to die for his country.
These young men were still in school when this war against Syria started. They lost brothers, fathers, mothers, sisters but here they are, sacrificing everything for this country. Despite all the hardships, all the darkness, all the savagery they face, they will keep fighting for each other, for a glimpse of a future even though they have never known what a future is.
The West will never prevail. The blood of the martyrs will protect Syria and even though my heart breaks for these broken, stolen lives – the courage of these people defies all description. If only we in the West could exhibit such courage against our ruling axis of evil with it’s manipulative, perverted, cold hearts. This world would be a better place. Don’t let these souls die in vain.
Two articles I wrote previously also invoke the terrible losses the Syrian people have suffered during this war:
When Private Ryan is shamed by quiet heroes in the Syrian Arab Army
There are thousands of ‘Mama Ryans’ in Syria, brave, fearless women who have suffered indescribable loss but who remain steadfast, proud of their children’s role in protecting their future. Om Al Fouz from Taldara, close to Salamiyah, has lost five sons in the genuine “war on terror”.
“When I lost the first one, I felt as if I had broken my back, I lost the second one only fifteen days later – I thought my heart had broken. Then the third, the fourth, the fifth, each time I grew stronger”.
Om Al Fouz also told me: “I have 25 grandsons, I am ready to give all my children for this battle. We are all ready to be martyred, this is our country, our dignity, our honour, our morals. We will never leave this country to anyone else”.
I met Hala in January 2018 in Salamiyah. Hala is a beautiful young girl whose husband was killed fighting with the SAA to defend her hometown and her country. Like so many families in Salamiyah, Hala expressed great pride her husband’s martyrdom but the sadness in her eyes told me she has lost her love and the father of her child.
In honour of the Syrian Arab Army and allies

Syrian Arab Army soldiers in Jobar after liberation 2018. Photo: Vanessa Beeley
Yesterday appalling images appeared in media outlets in the UK and on Twitter. ISIS terrorists to the South of Damascus had captured an Alawite Syrian Arab Army soldier and had converted him into a “human bomb”. We will not publish these horrifying photographs out of respect for the family of this soldier, one of so many who have been tortured, dismembered and executed by the Western financed, armed and promoted terrorist or “moderate” extremist groups inside Syria.
There are no words to describe the atrocities committed against the Syrian people by these heavily armed and equipped sectarian ideologues fuelled by drugs and power fed to them by their handlers in the Gulf States, Turkey and countries that form the US Coalition of regime change. The Syrian Arab Army is the Syrian people and hundreds of thousands have given their lives to defend Syria against this Islamist invasion that threatens their secular state.
The following statement was prepared by a number of social media activists who have supported the Syrian Arab Army since the beginning of the conflict and who wanted to express their respect, admiration and support, publicly, on behalf of all those in the West who see through the media lies and who support Syria in their historical battle against Western imperialism:
“There are times in history when only the bravest will find the courage to stand alone against the most powerful in their attempts to erase our existence from our planet. We are all living through one of those times and we are witnessing a battle of two worlds. On one side is the world of imperialist oppression, violence, perpetual war, to benefit the predators of our world – on the other are those who wish to see the supremacy of international law and perpetual peace with benefits for all mankind.
Those who have taken the ultimate stand against these forces of subjugation are the Syrian Arab Army and their allies who have stood firm and proud against overwhelming military force and a terrifying apparatus of war. The Syrian Arab Army does not only fight for Syria and its people, it fights for all of us – in Palestine, in the UK, the EU, South America, Yemen, everywhere… Syria is not only the cradle of civilization, it is the cradle of resistance around which are circling those who would destroy it and those who would defend it. We stand with those who defend it.
The following are statements from just some of those around the world who wish to acknowledge what the SAA has done to secure a better future for all humanity.
We are also coming to the anniversary of one of the worst U.S. U.K. war crimes during the conflict, in the Deir Ezzor region, that took place in September 2016:
On 17 September 2016 a carefully planned US-led air raid on Jabal al Tharda (Mount Tharda), overlooking Deir Ezzor airport, slaughtered over 100 Syrian soldiers and delivered control of the mountain to DAESH / ISIS. After that surprise attack, the terrorist group held the mountain for almost a year, but did not manage to take the airport or the entire city. US-led forces admitted the attack but claimed it was all a ‘mistake’. However uncontested facts, eye witness accounts and critical circumstances show that was a lie. This article sets out the evidence of this crime, in context of Washington’s historical use of mercenaries for covert actions, linked to the doctrine of ‘plausible deniability’.
Syrian eyewitness accounts from Deir Ezzor deepen and confirm this simple fact: the US-led air raid on Syrian forces at Jabal al Tharda on 17 September 2016 was no ‘mistake’ but a well-planned and effective intervention on behalf of the terrorist group ISIS (DAESH in Arabic). After days of careful surveillance a devastating missile attack followed by machine gunning of the remaining Syrian soldiers helped ISIS take control of the strategic mountain, that same day.
Finally I have a small request.
A respectful request. I and my close female journalist colleagues who risk their lives bringing reports from on the ground in various war zones have noticed an irritating trend. When we present information or analysis on our platforms, invariably a man will comment with a link to analysis of the same event or issue by a man.
What does this suggest? That us females are incapable of processing information like a man? It’s kinda insulting guys! Please cease and desist. Thank you very much.
More updates later, thank you for your support and for reading.
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