Pentagon Biolabs in Ukraine and the Threat of Ethnic Bio-warfare
- Vanessa Beeley and Dilyana Gaytandzhieva
- Friday 18 Mar 22
- 1248
- 0

My conversation with courageous Bulgarian journalist and documentary maker Dilyana Gaytandzhieva who broke the story of NATO supplying weapons to Al Qaeda in Syria from Bulgaria – and then went on to expose the Obama-incubated Pentagon global Biolab program in Georgia and Ukraine.
As Dilyana points out, the biolabs are strategically placed on the borders of Russia, Iran and China, the perceived “enemies” of the West and a threat to US unipolarity.
The creation of these programs in these countries also circumvents the 1972 Geneva Convention on the prohibition of development and production , stockpiling of bio and chemical weapons ratified by the US in 1973.
We cover Dilyana’s four year investigation into the Pentagon projects including her on the ground report in Tblisi, Georgia. While many people are dismissing the existence of these labs as “Russian fearmongering” Dilyana explains why these clandestine, protected programs are a threat to all of us.
WARNING: Some distressing information regarding the atrocities committed against Bulgarian nationals who refused to join the ranks of the Ukrainian fascist brigades to ethnically cleanse Lugansk and Donetsk for the last eight years.
Pentagon Biolabs in Ukraine and the Threat of Ethnic Bio-warfare

Vanessa Beeley
Vanessa Beeley is an independent investigative journalist and photographer. She is associate editor at 21st Century Wire.
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