US Army Lures Recruits with False Promises of Debt Relief and Cash Bonuses

The devil is always in the details. Mike Prysner, producer for The Empire Files & Iraq war veteran, looked into the Army’s recently announced signing bonuses for new recruits, and they are not as advertised. Some of the main jobs that the Army is struggling to fill are for laundry, mortician’s assistants and truck drivers (which have some of the highest rates of casualties).
Linda Acevedo
In 1972 my recruiter promised that I would receive training as a Senior Specialist in Combat Medicine. This training would be the equivalent of a licensed practical nurse. He lied, and I had to fight for a training slot in the advanced training program after being trained as a hospital medic.
I finally won the coveted appointment, only to find out that I would need to serve my first four-year enlistment and then reenlist to get a slot in the training program.
Recruiting /lying same thing.