You don’t need integrity to be an assistant US attorney and special prosecutor of President Trump

You don’t need integrity to be an assistant US attorney and special prosecutor of President Trump
This is how the totally corrupt “Justice”–what a joke–department manufactured the Trump documents case. A corrupt Justice (sic) department sent the FBI to Mar-a-Lago with props consisting of cover sheets marked “top secret.” The corrupt FBI stuck their props in Trump’s files, made photos, and showed them to the whore media. Corporate media outlets breathlessly reported on the photos and the cover sheets as proof that Trump had been storing classified documents at his Florida property. The population was again manipulated and sold an official narrative.
This orchestration of “evidence” and manipulation of the whores who comprise the US media is the entire basis of the current trial.
This is worst than Stalin’s stage managed show trials.
Any juror, prosecutor, judge, presstitute, anyone wherever who believes a word of any FBI indictment is a total moron. The word of the FBI is worthless. The agency is an unaccountable criminal organization.
Be a Proud American. You live in a police state, and we let it happen while we sat there sucking our thumbs. This is how we lost our country.
You don’t need integrity to be an assistant US attorney and special prosecutor of President Trump
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