Will the Trump-Putin Ukrainian Cease-Fire Hold?
- Paul Craig Roberts
- Wednesday 19 Mar 25
- 156
- 3

Paul Craig Roberts
Paul Craig Roberts has had careers in scholarship and academia, journalism, public service, and business. He is chairman of The Institute for Political Economy.
It’s the same question as : will the BS Gaza ‘ceasefire’ hold? Or Will the Lebanese one will hold?
Same people, same violations.
We all know what a US president words is worth: not even horseshit.
This article is really interesting as it shows the fabric behind the artifices deployed by those who have an interest to keep the ‘peasants’ in their ignorance:
I Think Putin is Out of the Woods (for) Now
Iran has saved Russia again!
slavland chronicles on substack
The last couple of days have confirmed to my mind at least the following key points:
• there is going to be some sort of agreement between Moscow and Washington
• (fighting may in fact continue during this period, but the tempo will be turned down)
• Moscow will help Washington in their regime change operation against Tehran
• said operation has an 80% chance of occurring before the year is out (I’d put my money on September, based on astrological predictions)
Anyway, Putin is already making small concessions left and right.
We’ve covered the minerals deal, the 50% military reduction, the changing of rhetoric towards Washington, and the other public instances of Putin’s perfidy already. All of it offered as appeasement to Trump to get him to lift sanctions on top Kremlin Hebrews, essentially.
And the latest news is that American hedge funds will be allowed to carve out a slice of the traditionally KGB-FSB-oligarch controlled Russian economy for the first time ever. As you will recall, I characterized this whole Not-War as a turf struggle to decide the hunting grounds allotted to the FSB vis a vis the SBU or the Western spook gangs. This is a big concession, to allow these Western funds, which are all spook fronts, to now participate in the previously closed off Russian markets.
Moscow has given an American hedge fund permission to buy securities in Russian companies from certain foreign stakeholders, thus easing restrictions imposed in response to the Ukraine-related sanctions. The move comes amid signs of a potential thaw between Russia and the US.
This connection to Chabad and Likud explains both Trump and Putin’s intense zio-philia. As a result, during the recent phone talks between Trump and Putin, the topic of Iran came up. We even have an official statement from the White House on this:
Putin’s job is to pressure Tehran into not fighting back too hard in the war to come.
This is the same role that he has played with many overthrown regimes in the past. He tricked Milosovic into handing himself over, and he helped Washington topple Yanukovich in Ukraine, just to cite two examples of “allies” that Putin “helped”. And we all know how well he helped the Armenians fend off Azerbaijan, right? The most recent example of Putin “helping” was of course the Assad regime in Syria. Putin pressured Assad to release, pay, and hand over power to the rebels for almost a decade before standing aside and just letting the rebels overthrow Assad’s government.
Where even is Assad now?
Dead or disappeared — we simply don’t know. Maybe in a KGB dungeon in Moscow, perhaps. Meanwhile, Moscow now brags about the support and cooperation that they are giving the new government in Damascus. You know, the ones who are massacring thousands of Alawites right now and posting it all over social media for upvotes from their Sunni Muslim supporters all over the world?
If Tehran acquired nukes, (assuming that they exist), no invasion of Iran would be possible. Thus, if someone wanted to make sure that Iran would be invaded, they would do everything in their power to ensure that Iran never acquired nukes. Putting aside missiles tipped with radioactive material that cause massive nuclear chain explosions, having any weapons of mass destruction like just really big bombs, or biological and chemical weapons, is a very good deterrent against invasion. All serious governments know this and seek to acquire these big weapons to prevent their own invasion and overthrow from without.
In contrast, governments run by a hostile elite do the opposite.
Tehran is Just as Compromised and Pro-Zionist as Moscow Is
The bombing and blockade of Gaza has also resumed, by the way.
This too is part of the Peace President’s foreign policy agenda. His supporters though seem to have been under the impression that “peace” meant “less war” when actually it clearly means, “sending more weapons to war zones” in Trump-parlance. Now that it has been explained to them, they are happy again.
end the us
Glad you post it there. This guy has understood (almost) everything.
There is no Russians/Nato/EU/US, They are all in it together against us.
There is a war but not against Ukraine or Russia: We are the targets.