White Liberals’ Promotion of “White Racism” Has Caused Black Legislators to Abandon Belief in the 14th Amendment

Reginald Jones-Sawyer has a bill in the California legislature that has passed in the House.  If it passes in the Senate, the new law will require judges to sentence according to race in order to rectify white racial bias and reduce the alleged disparate impact of the legal system on blacks.  In other words, blacks would be given less of a sentence than whites for the same crimes in order to rectify blacks being captured by other blacks in African slave wars and sold to European slave traders who brought them to the New World as a labor force long prior to the existence of the United States.  

This is called rectifying “white privilege.”

So much for the Supreme Court ruling against race-based university admission privileges that favor blacks.  As I have emphasized for years, black racial privileges have resurrected the status-based law of the aristocratic era.  Equality before the law is a dead letter Constitutional principle. The Supreme Court has not resurrected this foundational principle.

Once a country has been turned into a Tower of Babel, as the US has, a group with a grievance, no matter how artificial, can wheedle status-based law out of  brainwashed liberals who enjoy wallowing in guilt.  In a reversal of Sir Henry Maine, the US has gone from contract to status.


White Liberals’ Promotion of “White Racism” Has Caused  Black Legislators to Abandon Belief in the 14th Amendment

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of The Alternative World.

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