Washington Simultaneously Demonizes Russia, China, Iran, and Its Own White Majority Population while Democrats Enforce Covid Tyranny

Can Free Florida Survive?
Florida has a large Cuban population, but it also has a large Jewish population, people who made their money and retired in a sunny land without freezing temperatures. Most of the Jews understand the benefits of Florida’s openness under Governor DeSantis, but, Jews tend to be mutually supportive. They support one another more than do gentiles, sometimes to their worst judgment.
In the next election for governor, DeSantis’ Democrat opponent is likely to be a Jew, Nikki Fried. Fried regards DeSantis as an “authoritarian dictator who is borderline fascist” ( https://cbs12.com/news/local/commissioner-fried-calls-desantis-a-dictator-for-signing-voter-suppression-bill ). Currently she is Florida commissioner of agriculture and the unmarried partner of Jake Bergmann, a Jew who is a marijuana entrepreneur in Florida, which raises an unaddressed problem of a conflict of interest as Bergmann’s business often results in dealings with Fried’s office.
No stink will be raised about this, because it would be “anti-semitic” and, therefore, “hate speech” if not a “hate crime.” Indeed, anything critical of anything Jewish has been labeled a hate crime. Any serious issue that is raised is met with: “shut up you Nazi.”
It is wonderful to be protected against all criticisms, legitimate ones as well as false ones. But DeSantis doesn’t have the same protection. Neither does Florida’s freedom as a state without coercive Covid mandates. A change in administration could bring Floridians life under the same Gestapo boot that New Yorkers exist under.
All of the people who have come to Florida in search of a refuge from the Covid totalitarianism of the Democrat states, including the Jewish refugees from New York, need to understand that their refuge is shaky, because the medical establishment which serves Big Pharma, not public health, the US media that has positioned itself out on a limb of lies in its support of official narratives, the Democrats who prefer their authoritarianism to democracy and accountable government, and the tendency of Jews to vote Jewish over gentile place the freedom and independence of Florida in jeopardy.
If Nikki Fried wins, the Florida successful model will be deep-sixed.
Americans are also badly positioned abroad where the neoconservatives have lined up the US against Russia backed by China.
The Western world, in its delusional arrogance and extraordinary stupidity, could easily end up in the trash bin of history. Indeed, it could happen sooner than we think. In addition to the Russian and Chinese opposition to American unilateralism, the Western liberal-progressive-left is destroying the enculturation process that sustained Western civilization, thereby replacing nations with towers of babel. Our internal enemies are a larger threat than our alleged external ones.
Democrats and their protected “woke,” “BLM,” “Antifa,” and Critical Race Theory echelons are destroying the monuments and our memory of America’s Founding Fathers. They are destroying the First Amendment and the entirety of the US Constitution. They are teaching in the public schools and universities that all white people are racists and white supremacists who must be overthrown. How are such a divided people and a demonized white majority going to stand up to countries like Russia, China, and Iran that are sick and tired of American exceptionalism?
The Department of Homeland Security and FBI have demonized Trump voters — half or more of the voting US population — as “domestic extremists” and are trying several hundred on the ridiculous charge that they–all several hundred of them–tried to overthrow the Government of the United States in the alleged “Trump Insurrection.” A country in danger of being overthrown by 600 unarmed Trump supporters is far too weak to be picking fights with Russia and China. If the Washington morons think that 600 people can overthrow the government, what strength does Washington have to stand up to Russia, China, Iran?
Obviously, none whatsoever.
Try to imagine a country, whose government demonizes its own majority white population as oppressors not only of “people of color” but also of women, trying to get away with demonizing other countries and assigning all blame to them. Washington projects its sins to others, and assumes that Washington, a collection of well-paid whores, is “exceptional” and “indispensable.”
Never before in human history has such mindless pretense been manifest.
Washington is the Naked Emperor. Here is the Russophobe Nuland with a few thousand NATO troops threatening Russia and China with their millions of troops:
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