Third World America

Note to readers: The latest information is that the earliest I can expert Internet service to be restored is Monday August 19. I hope to be able to post on August 20. It will have taken high tech superpower America a week to restore my Internet service. The outage was not caused by a storm or any act of nature.

Twenty years ago at a conference in Washington DC I said that the combination of jobs offshoring with the importation of millions of third world immigrants would result in the US becoming a third world country in two decades. Sending good jobs out while bringing poor people in eventually makes poverty the norm. My prediction was on the mark. Nothing in America any longer works, including the people.

In the autumn of 1963 when I arrived at Oxford University, it was possible to mail a first class letter to London in the morning and receive a reply that afternoon. I expressed astonishment, but the English complained that until recently they had been able to send a morning letter and receive a reply by noon, and to send a noon letter and receive a reply that afternoon.

In 2024 it took the US Post Office one month and 10 days to deliver my tax return to the IRS. Currently a Priority Mail letter that I sent almost a month ago to a US destination 300 miles away has not been delivered.

In every blue city there are large areas in which white Americans do not enter.

America has become a third world entity with collapsing infrastructure including communications and a government concerned only with power.

Third World America

One thought on “Third World America

  • anaisanesse

    Well, if you would stop trying to tell everyone else in the world to obey you, and assume other nations have no rights and are your enemies, perhaps things could change. Instead of allowing sovereignty for others and trying the “win-win” attitude of China, the USA punishes every country or government which does not fall into line with its selfish “rules based order” and ensures no competition to the USA is tolerated . The USA needs to accept the changing order in the world, where the USA is not the “boss”.


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