The Road to War2

I  recently posted a report about the Gestapo treatment the distinguished German attorney Reiner Fuellmich is receiving from present day Germany.  See: 

Here is the latest report on Dr. Fuellmich’s abuse at the hands of the neo-Nazi German government and also a report from Dr. Fuellmich himself: 

The German government acting in behalf of Big Pharma or in behalf of the World Economic Forum’s program of reducing the world’s population is endeavoring to concoct a minor financial fraud charge against Dr. Fuellmich.  I have looked into the charge, and I can truthfully say it is a total concoction.  

Although the charge is minor, Fuellmich is being treated as if he were the most dangerous criminal on earth guilty of heinous  offenses.  The total disconnect between his treatment and the charge indicates that the German government is devoid of legal integrity. The present German government is a piece of excrement.

The Third Reich is universally demonized, but it was nevertheless far more representative of the German people than the present German government.  The present day German government represents the immigrant-invaders.  Hitler represented the German people. He rescued them from the unfair burden of the Versailles reparations.  He cured inflation and put Germans back to work. He gave them transportation–“the peoples car” — Volkswagen. 

As David Irving has documented in his histories, Churchill’s War and Hitler’s War, Hitler was forced into war by the  British and French. The British gave an unenforceable “guarantee” to the Polish military dictatorship that resulted in Poland refusing to return to Germany the German populations torn from Germany by the Versailles Treaty.  Blocked from rescuing Germans via diplomacy from Polish persecution, Germany made an agreement with the Soviet Union to divide Poland in half.  Hitler struck first and the Soviet Union soon followed, but the British and French only declared war on Germany.

That is how WWII started.  It started when the  British and French governments declared war on Germany.  Hitler had made it perfectly clear that he did not intend or want war with England and France. Once the British and French governments started the war, it only took Hitler a few weeks to destroy their military forces.  Hitler offered England amazing peace terms, including the protection of the British Empire by German forces.  Churchill hid the peace terms from his cabinet and ordered the fire-bombing of German cities, a war crime. 

We are experiencing the same thing in Ukraine today. Washington engineered a coup and overthrew the Ukrainian government and installed a puppet.  The puppet began oppressing the Russian areas in Eastern and Southern Ukraine that were attached to Ukraine by Soviet leaders for administrative and political reasons.  Ukraine would not stop the persecution and artillery bombardment of the Russian populations and forced Russia to intervene.

Washington and its NATO puppets quickly widened the war, which was headed into WW III until, apparently, Washington backed away from the threat of sending long range missiles into Russia herself. We don’t know for sure, but that seems to be the case.

No sooner than we are, hopefully, spared this avenue into war than we find ourselves on another road to war:  an Israeli/US attack on Iran.  Washington keeps sending more forces allegedly to “protect Israel,” but realistically to support an attack on Iran.  

Iran is the target, because Iran is in the way of Greater Israel.  Not long ago Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, held up a map of Greater Israel–from the Nile to the Euphrates.  Just the other day the Zionist Israeli Finance Minister enlarged Greater Israel.  It now includes Saudi Arabia: 

The purpose of neoconservative Washington’s “wars against terrorism” in the Middle east–Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, and Syria until Russia blocked Obama’s attack on Syria–was to end the flow of arms and money to the Hezbollah militia in southern Lebanon.  Israel coveting the water resources, the Litani River, twice  invaded Lebanon intending to occupy the area.  Twice a third world militia–Hezbollah–drove the vaunted Israeli Army out.  Ever since the Israeli’s have been scheming to have Americans do the job for them by attacking Iran.  If Iran can be destroyed, Hezbollah will be without arms and money, and Zionist Israel can expand.

This is what the Middle East situation is about.  Christian gentiles and Muslims have to die so that Israel can expand.  

The Muslims will die, because they are disunited and  have been for many centuries, thus pissing away their power.  The gentiles will die because they have been made guilty by the Holocaust narrative.  “Christian” evangelicals, who are not Christian in any sense, think that it is God’s will for Americans to die for Israel.

This is the level of intelligence in the Western world.

Putin’s lack of force is one reason we are facing the risk of nuclear Armageddon. Putin let the conflict in Ukraine widen to the point that his back was to the wall, and he had to say “missiles sent into Mother Russia means the US and NATO are at war with Russia.”  Both the outgoing and incoming NATO Secretary Generals said, “There is no reason to believe Putin. He never does anything.”  Obviously, these statements reveal that the West is not convinced that Russia will fight, no matter what insults and provocations are heaped upon Putin and Russia.

In the Middle East, after showing proactive leadership and preventing Obama’s Invasion of Syria, Putin again became reactive, leaving all initiative in the hands of Israel and Washington.  Consequently, the lack of Russian, Chinese, and Iranian leadership has resulted in the same war conditions arising in the Middle East. 

For reasons difficult to understand, Russia, China, and Iran have not announced a mutual defense treaty.  Such a treaty would immediately end the conflict in the Middle East.  Both Israel and Washington are insane, but they still realize that they have zero chance of surviving a conflict with Russia, China, and Iran.

So, where is this treaty than can stop World War III?

The Democrats don’t want the US fighting in behalf of Greater Israel prior to the November election, and Putin doesn’t want war prior to the BRICS meeting.  Therefore, the can will be kicked down the road.  But the issue is far from resolved.

The Road to War

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