The Real Problem Is Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men

Thanks to feminists, Americans now have a redundant 28th amendment to the Constitution–The Equal Rights Amendment–in order to protect women from discrimination based on sex. Here is Biden speaking on January 17, 2025, in behalf of the Equal Rights Amendment now ratified by the 38th state: 

The 14th Amendment to the US Constitution requires equal treatment under the laws, which means that there cannot be legal discrimination against women or men.

The 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed to provide statutory support for the 14th Amendment. The 1964 Act prohibits discrimination based on race and gender.

The problem has been that men, especially white men, have been denied equal protection by race and gender preferences called “affirmative action” that discriminate against white men in university admissions, employment, and promotion. It is heterosexual American men shunted aside by affirmative action and now DEI who need an equal rights amendment.

The real problem is 50 years of non-enforcement of constitutional and statutory protection of white men from race and gender discrimination.

Paradoxical, isn’t it, that feminists never noticed. That Democrats never noticed. That Republicans never noticed. That law schools and bar associations never noticed. That the judiciary never noticed. That the media never noticed.

The Real Problem Is Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men

One thought on “The Real Problem Is Race and Gender Discrimination Against White Men

  • nukedavos

    If nobody pretend to have noticed is that they are into it against White Men.

    Worst of all, these abuses have been created by mainly white men.

    A number of corporations and even the evil FBI have discarded these dei BS rules in the light of Trump coming to power.

    It took decades for cultural marxists and their Jewish overlords to impose these absurdities, it will take time to remove them.


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