The Ever Widening War15

Zero Hedge, normally a reliable site, reports that the US Department of Defense and the NATO Secretary General claim that 10,000 to 12,000 North Korean soldiers have joined Russian forces in Kursk to help drive out the Ukrainian incursion.
The Pentagon spokeswoman, Sabrina Singh, says that if these North Koreans do for Russia what French troops and NATO personnel are doing for Ukraine, the US will remove its ban on NATO firing missiles into Russia from Ukraine.
As Putin has said, this would mean the US/NATO are at war with Russia, which, Putin has implied, means a nuclear response from Russia. Why Putin is OK with drones fired deep into Russia but not missiles is unclear.
What do we make of this report? It strikes me as nonsensical and contrary to Putin’s abhorrence of expanding the conflict. It also strikes me as nonsensical that Russia cannot expel Ukrainians from Kursk without North Korean reinforcements.
There are two possible real explanations. One is that Washington’s military/security complex wants to carry the war further into Russia, confident from Putin’s past non-response that Putin will do nothing about it, and the alleged Korean troops are an excuse. The neoconservatives believe that Putin is nothing but hot air and that they can destabilize his regime by sending in missiles to kill Russians and destroy infrastructure all over Russia. That Putin has been unwilling to use the available force that he has to end a conflict with a third world military with zero military technology of its own after three years suggests to the neoconservatives that Putin is so averse to war that he simply will not fight anything other than a limited military operation.
The other explanation is that Putin is demonstrating to Washington that Russia, also, can bring in foreign resources to the conflict. The French send troops. NATO sends “mercenaries.” Washington provides weapons and people to operate them along with intelligence and targeting information. If this is the explanation, assuming there actually are North Korean troops there, it shows that Putin has a defective understanding of the situation.
President Putin, you are at war. You, Russia, China, and Iran are in the way of American hegemony. American foreign policy has not repudiated the neoconservative doctrine that hegemony is the principle goal of US foreign policy. Therefore your support for peace negotiations is nonsensical. Negotiations make no sense. They show you to be humanitarian but unrealistic.
Russia is in the way of Washington. There can be no peace until Washington redefines its foreign policy goal, or Russia is broken up into its constituent parts. While Putin speaks of peace negotiations with Ukraine, Washington is attempting to open a second front against Russia with a color revolution in Georgia.
Whatever peace deal Putin makes would have no more reality than the Minsk Agreement, Washington’s pledge not to move NATO one inch to the east, or any of the broken 20th century agreements. Washington only respects force, and Russia has not demonstrated force. Neither has China. Neither has Iran. The absence of countervailing power is building toward a major war.
There is a third explanation that makes all what is senseless becoming obvious.
A local conflict between superpower Russia and Jewish controlled little Ukraine should have ended in few months.
Putin in 2006 didn’t hesitate to level Grozny to end the separatist war in Chechnya.
He could and should have done the same in Ukraine, He should have also have the zionist Zelensky eliminated.
He didn’t because winning this war was never his goal.
I remind all who have forgotten that the ‘special operation’ started when the covid scam was being exposed for the manufactured operation it was. Pfizer and moderna were exposed following the release of their damaging trials thta revealed their fake vaccines were in fact inefective and deadly.
Putin’s “invasion” of Ukraine put these stories in back pages of the news and saved the private covid (for few months at least).
Since then, the globalists have been banking on this conflict (and now with the genocide in Gaza) to advance their agenda: impoverishing the populace, designed hyperinflation, cover-up of the millions of deaths from the mRNA deathvax, continuing fearporn and therefore mind control of population with menaces of global conflicts and eventually when these conflicts come, they will be able to impose martial law again like during the covid tyranny.
The real nationalists inside Russia are no friends of Putin and his administration full of globalists.The army probably even less now.
The goal on all sides seems to be only wo widen the conflict and make it last until the next crisis.
The goal is 2030: “you will own nothing”, great reset and agenda 2030.
Along with the climate scam and their now daily destruction of our planet and life on it through “geo-engineering” (,,, they are implementing totalitarian moves and laws weeks after weeks, while the public is saturated and desensitized with murder, massacre, violence, genocide and economic despair.
The Jewish dictator Zelensky who should have left power in spring 2024 has announced the forced conscription of another 160 000 young Ukrainians. The goal is clear: genocide, having as many as possible Ukrainians killed while selling out the country on the cheap to his zionist friends (Blackrock to start with).
After the BRICS Kazan meeting, a ‘strong’ declaration was made against ‘Israel’ and its genocide against Palestinians and Lebanese by all BRICS members. Only one tempered the statement and even tampered with it: Putin.
It is no mystery that Putin is a former WEF ‘young global leader’ and a good friend of Jewish and zionist oligarchs.
Nothing tells us that on his side as well, the goal is not to have as many young Russians killed as possible like the Jew Zelensky.
The end goal of the globalist cabal is their version of neo-feudalist tyranny: a one world government. Their Hegelian dialect tactics are well known: create crises, push the people to the brink until they beg for the pre-devised solutions the globalist want. Wars, plandemics, economic crises and genocides are their ways to achieve these goals.
It now makes sense, both the US and their EU lackeys and Russia might just be playing open theatre for the masses, with the ultimate goal of a prefabricated solution.