“The Empire of Lies”

In the past two years we have seen that the Western peoples are more badly and more corruptly led than any people in previous history. The peoples were deceived about a “Covid pandemic” that was entirely an orchestration. Yes, the virus existed, but the “pandemic” was orchestrated by a PCR (no relation) test that produces up to 97% false positives and has been discontinued from use for this reason. The large number of Covid cases were pure fantasy based on false positives. The number of deaths were orchestrated by giving hospitals large financial incentives to report deaths as Covid deaths, regardless of cause. The fear generated by fabricated numbers of cases and deaths drove people to accept injections of they knew not what. It turns out that the untested “vaccine” is a larger threat to health and life than Covid itself, and the death and injury rates mount as the “vaccine” does its deadly work in the bodies of injected people. It remains to be seen what the long term death rate of the “vaccine” will be.
All of the other Covid measures did much harm and no good. The masks proved to be a cause of illness, not a preventer of illness. The lockdowns disrupted production, destroyed jobs, businesses, and supply chains, and are the cause of the current sharp increase in prices.
The Western world, full of its totally unjustified arrogant hubris, thinking of itself as “exceptional” and entitled to world hegemony, turned a deaf ear to Russia’s offer of a mutual security pact. The idiot that serves as US President, the idiot that serves as US Secretary of State, and the idiot that serves as NATO Secretary General, all declared that, despite Russia’s announced red line, they would continue to expand military bases on Russia’s borders.
When I say “stupid,” I mean stupid. You have to be stupid to provoke a war that you are helpless to do anything about.
Oh, but we can, you say, the sanctions. The sanctions are falling on Germany, Europe, and the US. The price of natural gas in Europe has exploded upward. The oil price has hit the moon. Food prices, mineral prices (Russia is a major exporter of both) are rising. So the dumbshit Western “leaders” have added to the inflation from the lockdowns the inflation from the sanctions, and Russia has yet to impose counter sanctions. Imagine if Russia were to turn off the gas flows to Europe. Europe is dependent on Russia for 46% of its gas. The CEO of a European grid operator said if Russia turns off the gas, the EU would have to disconnect German industry from the grid. In short, the entirety of German industry would be shut down.
What the idiot West has done with sanctions is to shoot itself in both feet and both kneecaps, and in the head.
Everywhere we look we see ridiculous threats directed at Russia. The Danish presstitutes, the idiot Sean Hannity, and Republican Senator Lindsey Graham are calling for the assassination of President Putin, and they are not deplatformed. Notice this: I cannot use a gender pronoun without risk of being shutdown, but I can call for the assassination of Putin and receive kudos.
An idiot named David Swanson calls for a “peace march” by thousands of Europeans into the Ukrainian firing lines. This low grade moron wants to repeat the Children’s Crusade of 1212 when Stephen of Cloyes claimed to have a letter from Jesus to the King of France and led 30,000 children into Saracen hands. The Idiot Swanson, wants to repeat this feat one thousand years later.
Another blustering Western idiot says Putin will be captured and put on trial as a war criminal at the international court at the Hague. This, of course, will happen after Ukraine conquers Russia. It is extraordinary that Westerners would speak of Russian war crimes after the massive US and European war crimes in Serbia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, and Syria. If the West continues its precipitous decline, there will be a war crime tribunal held by Russia for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condi Rice, all the American zionist neoconservatives, and a number of UK and European supporters of Washington’s war crimes such as Tony Blair.
The Western blusterings and imprecations against Russia indicate the impotence and irrelevance of the Western world. Of all the absurdities, unless Joe Lauria’s report on Consortium News is a joke, the cake of mindless threats comes from the International Federation of Felines. The Federation is going to bring Russia down by banning the import of any cat bred in Russia “regardless of which organization issued its pedigree.” https://consortiumnews.com/2022/03/03/ban-on-russian-cats/
The Cat Federation says how “shocked and horrified” it is “that the army of the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Ukraine and started a war. Many innocent people died, many more are wounded and hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians are forced to flee their homes to save their lives. We can all witness the destruction and chaos caused by this unprecedented act of aggression.”
This really is unimaginable. For 8 years Ukraine has been shelling the Donbass Russians killing thousands and maiming many more. And not a peep from the Cat Federation. No concern for the Donbass cats blown to pieces by Ukrainian artillery pounding the villages and towns of the Donbass Russians. Not a peep from the well paid CIA assets at the New York Times, Washington Post, NPR, CNN, MSNBC, BBC and elsewhere in the Western whore media.
What does this ban by the Cat Federation do, assuming it has any legal force and can do anything, and that this is not a joke article by Joe Lauria?
It can stop Americans, Canadians, and Europeans from acquiring a Russian Blue Cat from Russia, but not from breeders in the US, Canada, or Europe.
The Cat Federation has demonstrated the total impotence of the West, a rapidly collapsing Sodom & Gomorrah. To use the language of a US neoconservative, if Russia wants to pick up some NATO member and throw the country against the wall to show who is boss, no one can do anything about it.
Despite Russia’s military hegemony, the Kremlin could piss away its dominance. According to his recent speech, Putin is committed to globalism. Reportedly, he was in the World Economic Forum’s leadership program. He goes to the meetings in Davos and gives speeches. Apparently, it has not occurred to Putin that Russian sovereignty is inconsistent with globalism. They are mutually inconsistent. Claus Schwab, the WEF head, is a clear cut Nazi. So why does Putin like the WEF Nazi but not the Ukrainian ones?
I think the Kremlin still has a lot to learn. Russia thought, mistakenly, that with the Communist ideological challenge to the West over and done with, everyone could be friends. They overlooked that being friends with Washington means being a puppet state. Putin was unwilling for Russia to be an American puppet. He informed us of that fact at the Munich Security Conference in 2007. Washington rewarded him with Georgia’s invasion of South Ossetia, which established the narrative of Russian Invasion when Putin returned from the Beijing Olympics and defeated and conquered Georgia, then handed Georgia back its sovereignty and withdrew his forces. Despite Russian withdrawal, the West created the narrative that Putin was rebuilding the Soviet Empire that the US had dismantled.
Putin’s continued resistance to being an American puppet brought him Washington’s overthrow of the Ukrainian government and installation of a puppet government that was unable to control the Bandera Nazi elements that rapidly organized militias and began terrorizing the Russian population in Ukraine, leading to the votes by Crimea and the Donbass republics to be rejoined with Russia their traditional country. Putin took Crimea back to save Russia’s Black Sea naval base, but he refused the Donbass Russians, thereby tolerating an eight year war. Finally, to stop this war, the Russians, rebuffed by the West and the Ukraine puppet government, have sent in troops to solve the problem unsolvable by diplomacy.
The West has decided to get out of Russia’s way militarily and to fight Russia with accusations and deprecations. The West can win the war of words because it controls the narrative.
Claes Ryn, one of the very few remaining American intellectuals recently wrote in Humanitas that human action is less based in reason and rationality than in “the intense passion of the moment–hatred, fury, wild abandon, sheer desperation, boundless ambition,” and that in a world of nuclear weapons this is a massive liability.
Recently, Glenn Greenwald, one of the last remaining American journalists, said the same thing, which I quoted in a recent article. In other words, the reality we face is that our weapons of destruction are becoming independent of rational control as reason is dying in the Western world.
In Western universities today, especially American and British ones, reason is a “white racist construct” used to oppress “people of color,” that is, non-whites. As reason is reduced to a tool of racist oppression, how can it function in regulating human behavior? As its use implies racism, reason is abandoned. Just try to find any reason in the West’s response to Covid and in the West’s response to Russia’s security concerns. There is none
The West today is a world without reason. This places the current Western world far back into history when witchcraft and other such substituted for reason. Reason is so far gone in the West that the Cat Federation thinks it is punishing Russia by prohibiting Western peoples from having Russian cats!
In other words, we have reached the mindless stage in our collapsing civilization.
What can be done about it?
We have on the one hand the horrified Western liberal, progressive, left who see a great crime in Russia’s defense of Russians, and on the other hand we have the blind anger from patriotic flag-waving conservatives, such as Hannity and Lindsey, calling for the assassination of the President of Russia.
Putin should take notice. His assassination is possible because of his own toleration of pro-American elements in his own government and US-financed Russian media and NGO organizations committed to regime change in Russia. Apparently, Putin thinks he is proving his commitment to democracy by permitting freedom of operation of Western-financed groups committed to the destabilization of Russia and perhaps his assassination.
The Russian desire to be part of the West indicates a country that is disconnected from reality. Unless Russia develops better comprehension of the unreason that confronts her, Russia might yet have to choose between nuclear war or becoming another Washington puppet state.
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