The Demonization of Thanksgiving

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, a holiday of the founding of the English colony in Virginia that 169 years later with other colonial settlements became the United States. The New York Times, America’s newspaper of record, sees the Thanksgiving holiday through the eyes of its 1619 Project as a racist white supremacy holiday. Those who celebrate Thanksgiving are celebrating white supremacy.

The New York Times has been a Jewish newspaper since 1896 when it was purchased by Adolf Ochs for $75,000. Only in insouciant America would a people let the newspaper of record be in the hands of a tiny minority of Zionists hostile to the gentile majority that they believe is anti-semitic and persecutes them. A proud independent people would not permit a hostile minority to have the power over their country’s record with the ability to decide the facts and control the narrative of the country. But Americans did.

Their reward is that Americans are now institutionalized in the New York Times’ 1619 Project as racists who founded America on slavery. The removal of monuments of America’s founders, such as Thomas Jefferson, is a consequence of the demonization of the United States. 

Americans seem powerless to stop the erasure of their history.

The Demonization of Thanksgiving

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