The Deconstruction of White Confidence

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of The Alternative World.
You can tell what years of anti-white propaganda in American universities, public schools and media have done by considering Ilhan Omar, a Somali who got herself elected to the US Congress by running a ballots-for-cash scheme. Omar is very aggressive in her language about white people and is confident that white people are too guilty to do anything about it. She can bully them all she wants.
For the ballots for cash scheme see:
Or look at the white dumbshits who poured $14 million dollars or more into the pockets of George Floyd’s brother because they believed the presstitutes’ lies that Floyd, a felon who killed himself by over-dosing on fentenyl, was murdered by a white police officer.
There are endless reports of American universities taking punitive actions against white male students, white faculty and white administratiors simply for using ordinary words all of us have used all our lives, or for being “insensitive” to those who claim to be transgendered and other favored abnormals. Abnormal of course is an insensitive banned word. If I were professor in an American university or a reporter or editor at an American newspaper or a TV talking head or a corporate employee, I would be fired for using it.
In public schools children are educated in critical race theory which maintains that white people are born racists. Five-year old white kids learn that they are racists who abuse black people.
America’s leading corporations and government agencies make white people attend “sensitivity training” and confess their racism. Males have also to take training to be sensitive to women and repudiate their misogyny.
Just think how many times you have witnessed a white person take the side of a black criminal in order to demonstrate that they are not racist. Every day you hear and see excuses made for black misbehavior. Democrat mayors, city councils, attorney generals, and governors have lost so much confidence that their response to rioting and looting is to defund the police.
This is a picture of a society that cannot survive.
The insouciance of white Americans has resulted in the transformation of universities, schools, and media from educational and news organizations into anti-white propaganda organizations.
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