Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine Update Sends Clear Warning to West

Putin’s Inability to Think Strategically Has Brought the World to the Edge of Nuclear War
We are on the edge of nuclear war because of Washington’s aggression and Putin’s inability to think strategically. Despite Putin’s restrained conduct of the conflict, Ukraine is on the point of collapse and defeat. Yet Putin still pokes along as if it is unimportant when the war ends.
Here we see yet again a major failure in Putin’s strategic thinking. Putin thinks that it doesn’t matter whether Ukraine gives up the fight in one month, three months or six months. Russia will prevail, and that is all that matters.
Putin is completely wrong.
If Putin would go ahead and end the war, it would effect the US presidential election. The American people would understand that the Biden-Harris regime and presstitute media lied to them and that the war is a massive defeat for the US. By not pushing ahead and winning the conflict, Putin is protecting the Biden-Harris regime’s narrative of Russian defeat, thereby contributing to the Democrats’ chance of winning the election.
By helping Harris attain the White House, Putin is putting Russia in direct military conflict with US/NATO. Harris heads the war party, not Trump.
It is not a Russian victory for Putin to win in Donbas and find himself at war with US/NATO.
This week in Washington Zelensky, the Ukrainian dictator, is going to make his pitch that Ukraine is defeated unless NATO comes to his rescue. One way of doing that is for NATO officially to extend membership to Ukraine. The other way is for Washington to agree with the British Prime Minister and NATO General Secretary for the US and UK to fire from Ukrainian territory missiles into Russia. As Putin has said that means US/NATO is at war with Russia, the same is accomplished.
Putin was mistaken in letting a minor conflict continue so long that it has the world on the edge of nuclear war.
Russia’s Nuclear Doctrine Update Sends Clear Warning to West
Maybe that was the goal all along. We must remember that the Ukraine war started at the very moment the covid scam was crumbling, and Pfizer and Moderna mass murderers shares were plunging after the release of their sham studies’ proving their fake vax was deadly and ineffective.
The global cabal needed another crisis, rapidly, to divert public attention and that could escalate in the future into yet another manufactured crisis to impose their NWO.
The fear of nuclear war particularly fits the bill. It’s even possible that they think a nuclear war would be the solution to depopulate massively while imposing never seen (even during the covid dictatorship) restrictions upon the world population.
As this Sunday, the UN and unelected bureaucrats who represent only themselves approved the framework for a ‘one world government’ .
drrimatruthreports.substack. com/p/open-letter-to-every-us-patriot-health
thenewamerican. com /world-news/un/new-un-pact-for-the-future-turbocharges-globalism/
What better crisis than a nuclear world war for them to finally enforce their global dictatorship?
We must remember that the globalists behind 9/11, covid, countless wars, economic crises and genocides have no problem destroying half the planet and killing billions if they can.
So far, Putin and Zelensky have managed to have killed hundreds of thousands of young Europeans, Russians and Uktrainians.
What tells us that they don’t work in lockstep for the same agenda?
What is going on these days looks very much like a 1984 scenario where 2 or 3 big empires are at constant war with each others, allowing their respective regimes to implement totalitarian governance.
After all, Putin like Zelensky are both regular visitors of the WEF (Putin is a former ‘young global leader’) in Davos…
Agenda 2030, the great reset, agenda for the 21st century, the 17 SDG, all merged to enslave and depopulate Humanity.
WW3 would be a great media towards their evil goals.