How to Understand Our Situation

Dear Donors, I appreciate your determination to maintain a truthful existence.  Your determination manifests itself in your support of this website which is dedicated to the preservation of truth. 

It is reassuring to me that there still are Americans who understand that without truth there is nothing except tyranny and arbitrary power that is unaccountable. If we become angry enough, perhaps we will take our country back.

I spent yesterday afternoon reading your emails and the messages donors by mail included.  A few issues were raised that I should address.  

One issue is my lack of response to emails.  Time and energy are limited.  So the question before us is:  Do I use the time to carefully research and write my postings, or do I answer emails.  I read your emails, except when the pressure of events prevents it. Think about answering 40-50 emails daily.  Such a task exhausts the time and energy that should be given to explaining what is being done to us, to our country, and to the Constitution devised to protect us, not from foreign enemies, but from our own government.  Should I spend my time reaching 40-50 people or the entirety of my audience?

The same problem arises in thanking donors.  At times I have managed to thank most, but the constraint of one person’s time is determinant. 

Another issue is that when readers encounter a new idea, such as Lincoln’s war for the tariff, they ask me for references for articles to read.  The conflict between North and South over the tariff went on for many years. The North wanted a tariff to protect its industry from the more efficient British.  The South would pay the tariff by being forced from the higher price the tariff would make British manufactures to purchase the North’s manufactures.  The South saw this as raw exploitation.  When the tariff finally passed, the South seceded.

Lincoln invaded the Confederacy in order to recapture the manufacture-dependent agricultural section of the country to finance Northern industrialization.

The notion that the war–which was not a civil war as the South seceded and had no interest whatsoever in fighting over who controlled the government in Washington–was a war over slavery is an obvious lie.  In his inaugural address Lincoln offered the South a Constitutional Amendment guaranteeing the South the institution of slavery forever if the South would agree to stay in the union and pay the tariff.  But Lincoln’s war criminals so thoroughly  destroyed the South that it wasn’t much of a market.

The factual history is still available in public records.  But the memory hole’s reach is growing, and soon all accumulated scholarship on every issue considered non-Woke will disappear. The documentation of the tariff issue is extensive.  I don’t know where to pick a best explanation.  When we had libraries with books, research was easy.  But the digital revolution has permitted mass censorship of all that is not woke. Big tech which controls access is hand-in-hand with our increasingly tyrannical rulers.

The third issue that I will address is a cause for concern.  The failure of American education is so complete that many of our younger people cannot tell the difference between an explanation and a justification.  It is not their fault.  It is the fault of their teachers, the universities that train the teachers, and the bureaucrats who run the school systems. Students are taught that disapproved people and concepts are dismissed with demonization.  For example, Nixon, Kissinger, Thomas Jefferson, and Trump supporters can be demonized but not sexual perverts.  Indeed, sexual perversion is rapidly becoming a non-recognized thing. The concept is disappearing. 

Recently, in an effort to show the constraints, such as public attitudes, that existed on public officials prior to the 21st century, and in order to combat the distortion of history, I explained the constraints on Nixon and Kissinger that led to the Cambodia bombings.  I did not justify the bombings.  Nor did I pass judgment on Nixon and Kissinger.  I just explained the difficult situation that they inherited from the Democrat Lyndon Johnson administration.  But some readers read my explanation as a justification and wondered what had become of my moral conscience.  

Like Hitler and Stalin, Nixon and Kissinger have been demonized. Yet, it was Nixon and Kissinger who picked up President Kennedy’s work, ended by his murder by the military/security complex, of defusing the dangerous tensions with the Soviet Union and Mao’s China. Nixon and Kissinger opened to China and secured arms reduction agreements with the Soviet Union.  These were immensely important achievements, but they threatened the power and budgets of the military/security complex by reducing the Communist Threat.  

The Warren Commission’s report on President Kennedy’s assassination did not go down well with the aware and informed part of the public.  Suspicion constrained the Deep State’s ability to repeat the feat with Nixon, so Watergate was orchestrated and used to drive Nixon from office.

The American left, the one we formerly had that has turned into woke degeneracy, never understood that Nixon and Reagan were constrained by their conservative base’s suspicions of negotiations with the cunning communists.  So constrained, Nixon and Reagan balanced their peace-making with aggressive rhetoric.  The left didn’t understand, or didn’t want to understand, the political purpose of the rhetoric and rushed blindly into the demonization of the peace-making conservative presidents.

You can see the consequences today.  The Republicans have become worst warmongers than the Democrats.

I appreciate that my readers are open to non-official explanations.  If they were not, they would not be my readers.  I am not infallible, but I don’t intentionally seek to disinform you like CNN, NPR, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC, NBC, CBS, AP and the websites financed by the powers that be to control explanations in their interests.  

Over time our rulers have managed to completely corrupt journalism and to turn journalists away from seeking the truth of events to protecting advertising revenues and the control exercised by vested interests.  Note that when Elon Musk told the truth by releasing the Twitter files, corporate advertisers turned against him.  Note that when Tucker Carlson told too much truth on Fox News, Fox terminated him at their great expense.  If I had the following of Twitter and Tucker Carlson, I would be having difficulties.  But as so few Americans have the ability to think for themselves, those controlling our lives don’t worry about us.

We who think for ourselves are the last free people.  Perhaps it will last awhile longer.

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