Back to World War II

For the longest time the most widely read article on this website was “Germany Did Not Start World War II.” This article has been moved into second place by “The Proof Is In: The Election Was Stolen.”
The third most widely read article is “Whites Were Slaves In North Africa Before Blacks Were Slaves In The New World.”
The fourth most widely read is about Professor Didlier Raoult’s study of the effectiveness and safety of the HCQ treatment of Covid.
The fifth most widely read is “The Lies About World War II.”
The sixth is “Don’t Fall For The Establishent’s Tall Tales: There Was No Violent Assault on the Capitol.”
The seventh is “About Paul Craig Roberts.”
The eighth is “Democrats Have Planned A Coup If Trump Wins Reelection,” words from their own mouths.
The ninth is “Evidence Mounts of a Stolen Election.”
The tenth is “The Truth About World War II Is Beginning To emerge 74 Years Later.”
Coming in as number 11 is “George Floyd Was Not Killed By Police.”
This is food for thought. I would have thought that columns such as “America’s Catastrophic Disintegration” and “Does the US Still Have an Economy?” would be among the most widely read. But perhaps they are too recent for their readership to have built to the level of the older columns. It is notable that three of the top 10 are about World War II and three of the top ten are about the stolen 2020 presidential election. In other words 60% of the top ten most widely read columns are about two events, one more than 75 years old and the other recent.
If it has taken 75 years to get some truth into accounts of World War II, the 2020 US election could take just as long. On the other hand, the correct understanding of other matters, such as the Union’s invasion of the Confederacy, has been replaced by a fictitious agenda-serving account that it was a moral crusade to abolish slavery. Despite this reconstruction of history, the New York Times’ 1619 Project, which is being institutionalized in the US educational system, declares the United States to be a creation based on “white racism,” thus contradicting the revisionist “war to end slavery” theme.
The thing about people is that they never notice the contradictions in their positions. For example, as I recently pointed out:
“The American ruling class is so stupid that it declares American exceptionalism, by which it means Washington’s moral right to world hegemony, while disuniting America by attacking the country’s founding ethnicity and values as “systemic racism.” If the United States was founded in white racism, as university faculties, public school systems, Democrat politicians, and the New York Time’s 1619 Project proclaim, what is indispensable about a country whose exceptionalism consists of racism? That this extraordinary contradiction can go unnoticed for years while Washington justifies bombing and dispossessing millions of people in eight countries as “bringing them democracy” while the ruling elite steal elections in America illustrates that the cognitive dissonance of the American ruling elite is off the scales. “
It is discouraging that in the United States and throughout the Western world when salient points are made they are censored or demonized as conspiracy theories or hate speech. In the United States it is no longer possible to discuss any important issue. Everything that does not agree with the official narrative is in some way deleted.
Perhaps it is time for a respite from the present and a return to the past. World War II was so long ago that the people affected by a truthful account are no longer with us to complain. The court historians’ work succeeded in serving the ruling agendas. The agendas themselves are set in history and cannot be overturned, only their explanations.
I have finished reading the second volume of David Irving’s biography of Churchill, Churchill’s War: Triumph in Adversity. If I can manage to reduce the book’s 1,000 pages based on documents uncovered during 30 years of Irving’s research into a cogent column-length form, we can momentarily escape from the present into the past. Unfortunately, what we will find there are intimations of our present disintegration.
I don’t promise to do this, but the popularity of my World War II columns encourages me in that direction.
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